
By following these steps consistently, you can see significant improvements in your eczema treatment.

  27 Mei 2024 23:00 - Eczema is a skin condition that often causes discomfort and even destroys self-confidence for sufferers. When eczema symptoms worsen , it can have a very disturbing impact, because the itching is so severe. The desire to scratch can have fatal consequences.

Usually eczema can be treated with medication, but for some people this method causes problems. Therefore, we need effective ways to cure eczema without taking medication. As an alternative, you can use natural ingredients that are around.

Natural ingredients used to cure eczema are coconut oil, honey, aloe vera as a skin moisturizer. Apart from that, treating eczema can be done with cold compresses and warm baths. Using natural methods, eczema treatment is safe for the skin.

No need to wait any longer, here are seven effective ways to cure eczema without taking medication, as reported by from various sources, Tuesday (28/5).

1. Use a natural skin moisturizer.

7 effective ways to cure eczema without consuming drugs  2024


Using natural skin moisturizers such as coconut oil, aloe vera, and honey can be an effective part of treating and healing eczema. Skin moisturizer with natural ingredients , contains several benefits, namely containing lauric acid which has antimicrobial properties to help fight bacteria and fungi which can worsen eczema.

Apart from being antimicrobial, another benefit is anti-inflammatory to help reduce inflammation and irritation in skin affected by eczema. By moisturizing your skin optimally, you can speed up the healing process of skin damaged by eczema.

The method is simply to apply it directly to the area of skin affected by eczema several times a day after showering. Make sure your skin and hands are clean during the application process. Do this regularly, so that the skin affected by eczema is always moist, in order to get optimal results.

2. Wear soft and loose clothing.

7 effective ways to cure eczema without consuming drugs  2024


Wearing soft, loose clothing is one effective way to help cure eczema without taking medication. The right clothing can reduce irritation, increase comfort, and help maintain healthy skin. Some of the benefits you can get if you wear soft and loose clothing is that it can reduce irritation.

Clothing that is tight or made from rough materials can rub the skin and cause skin irritation. This irritation makes eczema symptoms worse, such as itching and redness. Wearing loose clothing allows better air flow around the skin, thereby helping to keep the skin dry, and reducing excessive sweating.

Apart from that, wearing loose clothes also provides daily comfort. There are several examples of clothing materials that are recommended for eczema sufferers, namely cotton, bamboo and silk.

3. Avoid eczema triggers.

7 effective ways to cure eczema without consuming drugs  2024


Avoiding eczema triggers is one of the most effective steps in treating eczema. Each person may have different triggers, but identifying and avoiding specific triggers can help reduce severe eczema symptoms. Several types of eczema triggers that should be avoided include:

- Dust and mattress mites

- Pollen

- Animal fur

- Harsh detergent

- Cosmetics or skincare high in chemicals

- Perfumed soap and shampoo

- Hot and dry air

- Excessive sweating

- Food allergies

- Excessive stress

- Scratching

By identifying and avoiding eczema triggers, sufferers can reduce the frequency and severity of worsening symptoms. This helps keep the skin healthy and comfortable. Each person may have different triggers, so it is important to monitor symptoms and make necessary adjustments in daily routines.

4. Manage stress.

7 effective ways to cure eczema without consuming drugs  2024


Managing stress is an important part of curing eczema without taking medication. The reason is, stress can trigger or worsen eczema symptoms. Excessive stress can cause the body to release the hormone cortisol. High levels of cortisol in the body can trigger inflammation and worsen skin conditions, including eczema.

Apart from that, another impact of stress is increasing itching on skin affected by eczema. Scratching itchy skin can cause sores, irritation, and infections that worsen eczema symptoms. By managing stress well and implementing various appropriate treatment strategies, you can speed up the healing of eczema-affected skin and prevent the disease from recurring.

5. Take a shower with warm water.

7 effective ways to cure eczema without consuming drugs  2024


Bathing with warm water (lukewarm, 37-38C) is an important step in treating eczema without taking medication. Bathing properly can help maintain skin moisture, reduce itching, and cleanse the skin of dirt and allergens. Warm water functions to open skin pores and increase moisture absorption.

Warm water also plays a role in hydrating the outer skin layer which is often dry in eczema sufferers. The next benefit of warm water is that it has a calming effect which can help reduce itching and inflammation. With the correct bathing process, eczema symptoms can be reduced, as well as providing a more comfortable feeling after bathing.

But remember, avoid using water that is too hot, because it can remove the skin's natural oils and cause irritation.

6. Cold water compress.

7 effective ways to cure eczema without consuming drugs  2024


Cold water compresses are an effective method for relieving eczema symptoms without the need to use medication. Cold water compresses can help reduce inflammation, reduce itching, and provide a cooling, soothing sensation to irritated skin. Cold water has several benefits in healing eczema, such as helping to reduce swelling and inflammation of the skin, providing comfort and relieving itching, and helping reduce redness and irritation of the skin.

How to apply a cold compress, namely by wetting a clean towel in cold water. Then, gently place the compress that has been moistened with cold water. Let the compress sit on the skin for about 10-15 minutes. When compressing skin affected by eczema, avoid rubbing or wiping the skin too hard, because this can cause irritation and worsen the skin condition.

7. Consume anti-inflammatory nutrients.

7 effective ways to cure eczema without consuming drugs  2024


Consuming anti-inflammatory nutrition is an effective approach to curing eczema without taking medication. Anti-inflammatory nutrition can help reduce inflammation in the body which can relieve eczema symptoms. Several body nutrients contain anti-inflammatory compounds, namely:

- Omega-3

Omega-3 is an anti-inflammatory compound that can help reduce inflammation in the body. An excellent source of omega-3, comes from fatty fish such as salmon, sardines and tuna. In addition, seeds and nuts, such as walnuts and walnuts, have quite high omega-3 content.

- Antioxidant

Foods high in antioxidants can help fight free radicals and reduce oxidative stress that can worsen eczema symptoms. An excellent source of antioxidants comes from brightly colored fruits and vegetables such as berries, oranges, red grapes, tomatoes, spinach and broccoli.

- Vitamin D

Vitamin D contains anti-inflammatory properties that play a role in supporting healthy skin. Natural sources of vitamin D can be obtained through adequate exposure to sunlight, as well as foods such as fatty fish, egg yolks, and dairy products that are fortified with vitamin D.

- Probiotics

Probiotics help maintain the balance of good bacteria in the digestive tract which can affect the immune system and inflammation in the body. You can get natural sources of prebiotics by consuming yogurt, miso, tempeh, kimchi and other fermented products.

- Iron

Iron deficiency in the body can worsen skin conditions and increase the risk of eczema. Therefore, it is important to consume foods that contain high iron. Some food sources are high in iron, such as lean meat, poultry, fish, green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds.

By following these steps consistently, you can see significant improvements in your eczema treatment. However, because eczema can vary greatly from person to person, it is necessary to find a treatment routine that best suits personal needs.

(Mgg/Zidan Fajri)
