Raffi Ahmad's gang, The Dudas Minus One, broke their fast together and became the focus of netizens. SEE MORE...
The price of geprek chicken will make you gasp, take a peek at 11 portraits of Raffi Ahmad's Le Nusa response in Paris
The stove is estimated to cost IDR 1 billion, here are 7 looks of Nagita Slavina's new kitchen
It looks like the Amazon forest, here are 11 portraits of Raffi Ahmad's rainforest which was built in just 2 months
Less than a year of operation, RANS Nusantara Hebat owned by Kaesang and Raffi Ahmad announced its closure
Raffi Ahmad has assets worth Rp1 trillion, lives in a classic European style house, 9 photos of his kitchen have a stove worth Rp2 billion
Raffi Ahmad's LHKPN recorded IDR 1.03 trillion, peek at the source of Nagita Slavina's husband's wealth
The appearance of the office of the President's Special Envoy Raffi Ahmad has been criticized as being too broad, here are 6 portraits
Looking elegant at the wedding of Akbar Tanjung's daughter, Yuni Shara's car plate causes distraction
Raffi Ahmad lived in a simple house as a child, 9 portraits of his classic kitchen interior full of old-fashioned furniture
Raffi Ahmad graduated on time from college, here are 9 moments of Mbak Lala, Rafathar's nanny, graduating with her bachelor's degree
Amy Qanita's 60th birthday, Raffi Ahmad's message for his mother is full of gratitude and emotion
KPK reveals Raffi Ahmad has not reported his assets
Rayyanza's moment in the marathon, he was nicknamed the most productive toddler in the world of sports
5 Differences in the results of The Dudas Minus One's photos using their own camera vs Android, Ariel's face is said to look like Parto
The moment Raffi Ahmad hosted the Deputy Minister of Agriculture at his home, his breakfast menu attracted attention
7 Portraits of Raffi Ahmad's new office as Special Envoy to the President, the interior is luxurious with a modern feel
Asked about his salary as the President's Special Envoy, this is Raffi Ahmad's response
9 Portraits of Rayyanza's debut catwalk model in this fashion show, his aura is like a boss, cool like no other
Ready to carry out the nation's duties, 8 moments when Raffi Ahmad was appointed as the President's Special Envoy for the arts
Going to the trouble of renting a helicopter, here are 9 moments when Raffi Ahmad accompanied Rafathar at a school competition event
Given a position in the cabinet, 7 moments when Raffi Ahmad attended the summons of deputy minister candidates at Prabowo's house
9 Moments Raffi Ahmad attended the TNI Anniversary celebration, his appearance in a military uniform drew criticism
Raffi Ahmad receives honorary doctorate, his campus address is checked by netizens
Received an honorary title for his contribution to the entertainment world, here are 6 of Raffi Ahmad's achievements
Wearing a dress decorated with Swarovski crystals, Nagita Slavina's appearance during the Umrah made people lose focus
Raffi Ahmad received his HC doctorate from UIPM Thailand for his contribution to the entertainment industry, 11 moments
9 Moments of Rafathar and Rayyanza's first Umrah pilgrimage, willing to jostle to kiss the Kaaba
9 portraits of the house of a RANS employee who has only been working for 4.5 years, so luxurious that it makes Raffi Ahmad gape
Raffi Ahmad uploads edited photos of Rafathar at the age of 18, 11 of his portraits are said to resemble K-Pop idols
Sule reveals that he was once offered to run in the regional elections by Raffi Ahmad but refused, this is the reason
Accused of being the third person, this is the content of Amy Qanita's story, Raffi Ahmad's mother
Threatened with being boycotted by netizens because he is accused of not empathizing with the people, Raffi Ahmad gives a relaxed response
Blasted for not joining the #KawalkeputusanMK demonstration, this is Raffi Ahmad's clarification: We have a different way
Blasted after posting the cancellation of the ratification of the revised Pilkada Law, Raffi Ahmad finally spoke up
Reaping criticism, these are 7 moments when Raffi Ahmad accompanied Gibran on a field trip to Bandung amidst the rampant demonstrations
Nicknamed Sultan Andara, Raffi Ahmad reveals he doesn't give Mama Amy monthly money, this is the reason
Raffi Ahmad revealed the origins of baby Lily, said this figure who delivered it to Andara
Nisya Ahmad's trick is to make children's lunch so that it is nutritionally dense, the plating is unique and automatically increases appetite
9 Nisya Ahmad's moment with her husband after the divorce suit, Andika Rosadi accompanied him to go to Hajj
Nagita Slavina is reportedly pregnant with her third child, Raffi Ahmad's response was only to ask for prayers
Selling the house for Rp. 300 M, 11 photos of Alshad Ahmad's marble-covered kitchen, it turns out there is a hidden room
Nagita Slavina has been proposed as deputy governor, Raffi Ahmad's wife's educational background is in the spotlight
Not a political endorsement, this is the reason Raffi Ahmad supports Jeje Govinda and Marshel Widianto in the 2024 regional elections
Nagita Slavina proposed as deputy governor accompanying Bobby Nasution, PKB: has many followers on social media
8 Moments when Sus Rini returned home to attend her son's graduation, her husband's handsomeness caused the wrong focus
9 The moment Raffi Ahmad witnessed the wedding of his employee, netizen salfok with the appearance of Nagita Slavina
Raffi Ahmad has a special room for ART, here are 9 portraits facilitated by a complete kitchen set
Raffi Ahmad and Nagita finally show the face of baby Lily, who is said to look like Ameena, Atta and Aurel's child