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Kidney failure must be treated seriously.

  28 Mei 2024 04:00

Brilio.net - Kidney stones are a disease that can cause death. If left untreated, kidney stones can cause more serious complications such as kidney infections, kidney failure and even death.

Reported by brilio.net from kemkes.go.id, in 2022 there will be 251 cases of acute kidney failure coming from 26 provinces. Around 80 percent of cases occurred in DKI Jakarta, West Java, Aceh, East Java, West Sumatra, Bali, Banten and North Sumatra. The death rate percentage is 56% or 143 cases. Kidney failure must be treated seriously because the effects it causes are very risky for health.

What are kidney stones ?

These 9 drink mixes can dissolve kidney stones freepik.com

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Kidney stones, also known as nephrolithiasis, are hard deposits made of minerals and salts that form in the kidneys. Substances such as calcium, oxalic acid and phosphorus in urine can form crystals and accumulate in the kidneys, making them hard like stones.

Kidney stones can form in the kidneys, ureters (urinary tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder), bladder, or urethra (urinary tubes that carry urine from the bladder to the outside of the body). Kidney stones can range in size from as small as a grain of sand to as big as a pea.

Therefore, kidney stones must be treated seriously. However, there are several drink mixtures that can dissolve kidney stones, you know. Reported by brilio.net from various sources.

9 Mixed drinks can dissolve kidney stones

1. Lemon Juice

These 9 drink mixes can dissolve kidney stones freepik.com

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Lemon juice can apparently dissolve kidney stones. Lemon contains citrate which is a natural chemical to prevent the formation of kidney stones. The citrate content is also able to break down small kidney stones so they pass more easily. Apart from that, lemons have other uses such as inhibiting bacterial growth and containing vitamin C.

2. Basil juice

These 9 drink mixes can dissolve kidney stones freepik.com

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Basil juice has been used as a natural remedy to treat kidney stones. The citrate content in basil juice helps reduce the size of kidney stones and breaks them down into smaller sizes, so they can be excreted in the urine. Basil also contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that may help support kidney function.

3. Apple cider vinegar

These 9 drink mixes can dissolve kidney stones freepik.com

photo: freepik.com

Apple cider vinegar has been used as a natural remedy to treat kidney stones. The acetic acid content in apple cider vinegar is claimed to be able to dissolve kidney stones and help relieve pain caused by kidney stones. Avoid consuming more than one glass because if swallowed in large quantities, apple cider vinegar can cause problems such as damage to tooth enamel, acid reflux, and sore throat.

4. Celery juice

Celery juice has been used as a natural remedy to treat kidney stones. The citrate content in celery juice helps reduce the size of kidney stones and breaks them down into smaller sizes, so they can be excreted in the urine.

5. Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice has been used as a natural remedy to treat kidney stones. The antioxidant content in pomegranate juice is known to have the ability to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, which are usually experienced by people with kidney disease. Apart from that, pomegranate juice is also known to help reduce the risk of kidney stone formation by increasing the acidity of urine and breaking down kidney stones into smaller sizes so they can be excreted in the urine.

6. Red bean broth

Red bean broth has been used as a natural remedy to treat kidney stones. The citrate content in red bean broth helps reduce the size of kidney stones and breaks them down into smaller sizes, so they can be excreted through urine.

7. Dandelions

Dandelion has been used as a natural remedy to treat kidney stones. The citrate content in dandelion is known to help reduce the size of kidney stones and break them down into smaller ones, so they can be excreted in the urine. High doses may be unsafe for people with certain health conditions, such as high or low blood pressure, liver conditions, diabetes and inflammation.

8. Wheatgrass juice

Wheatgrass contains many nutrients and has long been used to improve health. Wheatgrass can increase urine flow to help pass stones. So this is very important for cleaning the kidneys.

9. Horsetail

Horsetail has been used as a natural remedy to treat kidney stones. The citrate content in horsetail helps reduce the size of kidney stones and breaks them down into smaller sizes, so they can be excreted in the urine. In addition, horsetail contains antibacterial and antioxidant properties which can help with urinary tract health.

Recognize the symptoms of kidney stones

Kidney stones usually do not cause symptoms until the stone moves into the kidney or into one of the ureters. The ureters are tubes that connect the kidneys and bladder. If a kidney stone gets stuck in the ureter, it can block the flow of urine and cause the kidney to swell and the ureter to spasm, which can be very painful. The symptoms experienced are as follows.

- Severe, sharp pain in the side and back, under the ribs

- Pain that radiates to the lower abdomen and groin

- Pain that comes in waves and fluctuates in intensity

- Pain or burning sensation when urinating

- Urine is pink, red or brown

- Cloudy or foul-smelling urine

- A persistent need to urinate, urinating more frequently than usual, or urinating in small amounts

- Nausea and vomiting

- Fever and chills if there is an infection
