foto: ; Instagram/bonsaibuah

The content in this fruit is believed to help stimulate the production of collagen, a protein that is important for skin structure and elasticity.

  18 Februari 2024 19:00 - Accidents or experiences of falling from somewhere, and accidentally burning the skin sometimes leave scars on the skin, be it on the hands, feet or face. If these scars occur on the legs and arms, they may still be covered with trousers or long-sleeved clothes.

But what if the burn scars occur on the face? It definitely makes you feel less confident and look for ways to get rid of burn scars. They cannot be removed immediately, these skin wounds can usually be removed after going through various phases.

Like scars in general, this skin problem can occur through various phases:

1. Thermal phase.

The first phase is thermal, when the skin is exposed to heat, from fire or a hot surface, direct damage to the skin cells and surrounding tissue occurs. Well, this high heat can cause protein coagulation and damage to cell membranes, causing cell death in a short time.

2. Vascular phase.

This is the second phase after injury to the skin. In this phase, a vascular response will occur that leads to initial vasoconstriction, which will later be followed by vasodilation. This vasodilation condition causes increased blood flow to the injured area. The goal is to bring repair cells and nutrients to the area.

3. Inflammatory phase.

This phase is characterized by the release of inflammation such as histamine and prostaglandins which cause inflammation, swelling and pain. When entering this phase, white blood cells migrate to the injured area to clean the area of bacteria and dead cells.

4. Proliferation phase.

Next is the proliferation phase, here new skin cells begin to develop and repair damaged tissue. After that, the process of granulation tissue formation occurs and the migration of epithelial cells helps heal burn wounds.

5. Remodeling phase,

This is the final phase in healing burn wounds. In this condition, new tissue forms and begins to undergo remodeling to improve skin strength and elasticity. You need to know, this process can take months, even years. This depends on the size and depth of the burn.

So, to treat burns, the most important thing is to cool down first. You can do this cooling by using cold water or compressing it with ice cubes. This step can help reduce inflammation and prevent further skin damage.

If cooling has been done, the next step is to clean the burn wound. This step needs to be done so that the skin is free from dirt, bacteria and dead tissue. After treating a burn, it usually leaves a scar that is difficult to remove.

But you don't need to worry, you can get rid of these burn scars by using natural ingredients. As shown by the Instagram account/bonsaibuah. Reported by on Sunday (18/2), the account owner shared how to get rid of scars on the skin by using one type of fruit, namely papaya sap.

Benefits of papaya sap for removing scars.

remove burn scars from various sources

photo: Instagram/bonsaibuah

Papaya sap contains the enzyme papain which has exfoliating or exfoliating properties. Papain can help remove dead skin cells in the area of burn scars, thereby promoting the regeneration of new skin cells and speeding up the healing process.

This content is believed to help stimulate the production of collagen, a protein that is important for skin structure and elasticity. Thus, regular use of papaya sap can help repair skin tissue damaged by burns and reduce the appearance of scars.

Can papaya sap reduce inflammation caused by burns?

remove burn scars from various sources

photo: Instagram/bonsaibuah

Papaya sap has anti-inflammatory properties which can help reduce inflammation around burn scars. This can help reduce the pain, swelling, and redness that often occurs in the injured area. Reporting from, papaya contains various vitamins and antioxidants that are important for healthy skin, including vitamins A, C, and E.

The presence of antioxidants helps protect skin cells from damage caused by free radicals and speeds up the healing process. Apart from that, papaya sap can also act as a natural moisturizer for the skin. Keeping the skin around the burn scar moist can help prevent the skin from becoming dry and reduce the risk of peeling, or crusting, which can worsen the appearance of the scar.

How to remove burn scars.

remove burn scars from various sources

photo: Instagram/bonsaibuah

These are a number of benefits from papaya sap that you can get. So how do you use papaya sap to remove scars? In the video shared by the Instagram user, the method is quite easy.

1. Prepare the papaya sap in a bowl.
2. Apply to burn scars.
3. Leave it until the papaya sap is absorbed.
4. Rinse using clean water.
5. Do this method regularly to get the desired results.
