
Heel cracks are actually also caused by daily activities

  16 Februari 2024 23:55 - Feet are one part of the body that is always involved in carrying out daily activities. Apart from becoming sore quickly, this condition also makes the feet often exposed to many external factors, such as sunlight, wind and even dust pollution. Therefore, it is not surprising that areas of the feet such as the heels are susceptible to dry and cracked problems .

One of the main causes of this condition is a lack of moisture in the heels. This is also influenced by the fact that the skin area on the heel of the foot only has fewer oil glands compared to other skin areas. In fact, the natural oils produced by the skin play an important role in maintaining moisture and protecting the skin from dryness.

Not only that, heel cracks are actually also caused by daily activities. Many daily activities involve friction on the skin of the feet, making the soles and heels vulnerable to dust and sand. As a result, heel skin cells will be damaged, making them dry, rough and ending in cracks.

Other factors, such as sun exposure, dry winds, and cold weather can also remove natural moisture. This condition can occur due to the use of cleaners with harsh chemicals. It could also be due to using water that is too hot. You need to know, hot water can remove natural oils on the skin.

To restore moisture to your heels, you can overcome this by using a scrub made from natural ingredients. No need to use honey, instead you can use a mixture of petroleum jelly, coconut oil and gel from aloe vera (aloe vera). This was reported by on Friday (16/2) from the YouTube account @selfcarewithp.

Benefits of petroleum jelly in treating damage to the heel area of the foot

cracked dry honey  YouTube


Reporting from the Mayo Clinic page, petroleum jelly is a natural moisturizing ingredient that can protect the moisture and hydration levels in the skin, thereby preventing dryness and chapping. This natural ingredient is also useful as a skin protector from sun exposure and free radicals. Its occlusive properties also mean that this material can help prevent water evaporation from the skin, thus making the heels soft.

What are the benefits of coconut oil and aloe vera gel in treating dry and cracked heels?

cracked dry honey  YouTube


Meanwhile, coconut oil or commonly known as coconut oil makes heels softer. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory content helps relieve irritation. Antifungal and antibacterial properties can prevent infections due to cracked heels. Coconut oil can also help smooth the texture of the soles of the feet through the fatty acid components in it.

cracked dry honey  YouTube


On the other hand, the gel in aloe vera leaves contains various important nutrients such as vitamins A, C, E, as well as minerals such as magnesium and zinc. Apart from that, aloe vera also contains enzymes and anti-inflammatory compounds which help in the skin healing process by reducing inflammation and irritation so that it can reduce pain due to cracked heels.

Using the three natural ingredients above is very easy. But for those of you who don't know how, let's follow the tutorial below.


cracked dry honey  YouTube

photo: YouTube/selfcarewithp

1. 3 teaspoons petroleum jelly
2. 1 tablespoon coconut oil
3. 3 tablespoons of aloe vera gel
4. 1 vitamin E capsule

How to make:

cracked dry honey  YouTube

photo: YouTube/selfcarewithp

1. Add petroleum jelly
2. Pour in coconut oil
3. Mix with aloe vera gel
4. Add vitamin E
5. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed.

How to apply:

cracked dry honey  YouTube

photo: YouTube/selfcarewithp

1. Wash your feet first
2. Then, dry it using a towel
3. Spread the cream evenly on the surface of the heel
4. Leave it for approximately one night
5. The next day, rinse with normal water.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.