
Not many people know that this natural ingredient is effective in tightening facial skin

  3 Februari 2024 12:00 - The aging process makes the skin sag, giving rise to wrinkles and fine lines. In the context of the world of beauty, this change occurs because the production of collagen and elastin components of the skin decreases with age.

Apart from that, reducing the volume of fat in the face also makes the face look less full, causing the skin structure to become weaker and less firm. As a result, gradually the above signs of aging will appear on everyone's face.

Apart from occurring naturally, sun exposure also contributes significantly to accelerating the skin aging process. Ultraviolet (UV) rays, especially UVA rays, can damage collagen and elastin in the skin which maintains skin structure. Coupled with the influence of environmental pollution, the skin's protective layer will experience disruption in carrying out its normal functions, thereby accelerating aging.

To prevent skin aging, you can apparently use many natural ingredients as an alternative method without needing a lot of antiaging skincare products. One of them is using a mixture of egg whites and cornstarch, as shown by @thandymakeup on Instagram, reported by on Friday (2/2).

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Summarized from The Derm Review, the white part of eggs has long been known as a natural ingredient that is effective in tightening facial skin. The high protein content in egg whites helps strengthen and regenerate skin tissue. Egg whites also contain collagen peptides, which stimulate the production of natural collagen as an important component in maintaining skin elasticity and moisture while reducing wrinkles on the skin.

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Cornstarch is flour that contains amylose and amylopectin components. These compounds are a type of complex carbohydrate from corn which can reduce signs of aging on the skin.

Apart from that, the protein and vitamin E content in it functions to stimulate the formation of collagen in the skin so that it will fade wrinkles. Plus, cornstarch also contains minerals that can help maintain healthy skin.

So, you can turn the two ingredients above into a mask with just a few simple steps as below.

Tools and materials:

1. Enough cornstarch
2. 1 egg
3. Small container

Working steps:

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photo: Instagram/@thandymakeup

1. Put some cornstarch in a small container.
2. Crack 1 egg, then just put the white part into the container.
3. Stir all the ingredients above until evenly mixed.
4. Make sure your face is clean, then apply this mixture as a mask evenly on your face
5. Leave it for approximately 15 minutes until it dries completely.
6. When finished, peel off the mask slowly and rinse your face until clean.
7. Use regularly to get maximum results.
