- It's not just the face and hands that need care, the soles of the feet also really need attention. If left untreated, the soles of the feet can become dry, rough, and even cracked. Why is that? It turns out that the soles of the feet have fewer oil glands than other parts of the body. As a result, the skin in this area easily lacks natural moisture.
Extreme weather, both hot and cold, can also make the skin on your feet drier. Plus, exposure to the hot sun can make the skin on your feet hard and cracked. So, if you want your feet to stay smooth and soft, moisture is key.
So that the soles of your feet don't become a dry skin field, you can start using moisturizers like petroleum jelly or special products for feet. But if you want something simple and natural, you can just prepare toothpaste and baby oil.
smoothing rough soles of the feet
YouTube/Nisa Ahsan
1. Toothpaste
2. Baby oil.
How to make:
smoothing rough soles of the feet
YouTube/Nisa Ahsan
1. Put about a teaspoon of toothpaste into a bowl
2. Pour in enough baby oil
3. Stir all ingredients until well blended.
How to use:
smoothing rough soles of the feet
YouTube/Nisa Ahsan
1. Clean the soles of your feet first
2. Apply the mixture evenly to the rough soles of your feet.
3. Let stand for approximately 15 minutes
4. Rub gently
5. Rinse using running water.