Even though it relies on natural ingredients, its function is no less effective than using special skincare. SEE MORE...
Without turmeric, use this 1 type of carbohydrate source to fade wrinkles and age spots
Black spots due to hyperpigmentation can be faded with 1 type of flour, effective even without yoghurt
Tricks to fade dark spots caused by using cosmetics, effective, just rely on 3 natural ingredients
7 Kojie San skincare recommendations, priced below Rp 100 thousand, are effective in fading black spots
A mixture of these 2 types of fruit can fade black spots on the face, here's how to mix and use it
This dairy product can fade pigmentation on the face, here's how to mix and use it
[QUIZ] Serum to remove hyperpigmentation based on the cause, check here for optimal results
Instead of using coffee, these mothers share a trick to fade black spots on the face with 3 natural ingredients
Without using lightening cream, this girl shares how to get rid of black spots using 1 type of tuber
You don't need to buy a special serum, this girl shares how to lighten the face with dark spots using 1 food ingredient
Glowing overnight, this trick to brighten a dull face due to pigmentation only uses 1 type of flower
No need for expensive lasers, this woman shares how to fade black spots on the face using 3 kitchen ingredients
10 Recommendations for skincare to treat black spots priced under Rp. 200 thousand, the face looks younger
Without lightening cream, this woman removed hyperpigmentation using turmeric mixed with 1 natural ingredient
Without mixing it with baking soda, this woman shares how to whiten black neck using 2 food ingredients
Without expensive treatments, this way to treat pigmentation due to aging only uses a mask of 1 type of flour
Get white again without scrubbing, this is a trick to remove buildup & pigmentation on dull hands using 1 type of fruit
With only IDR 6,000 capital, this is how to make your face glow and free of black spots using 1 kitchen ingredient