foto: - Wrinkles on the skin occur due to reduced elasticity and moisture of the skin as we age. This natural aging process causes collagen and elastin, two proteins that provide strength and flexibility to the skin, to begin to decrease.
This leads to a decrease in the skin's ability to return to its original shape after stretching, making the skin appear looser and wrinkled. In addition to age, excessive exposure to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays is one of the main causes of premature wrinkles.
UV rays can damage collagen and elastin, accelerate the skin aging process, and cause fine lines and wrinkles. Other factors that affect wrinkles are air pollution, smoking habits, and unhealthy lifestyles, such as lack of sleep and consumption of unhealthy foods.
Smoking, for example, reduces blood circulation to the skin, which inhibits the delivery of oxygen and nutrients needed for healthy skin. In addition, dehydration or lack of fluid intake can also cause the skin to lose its natural moisture, which accelerates the formation of wrinkles.
In order to overcome or prevent these signs of aging from occurring, most people will consume instant collagen drinks sold on the market. In fact, there is a powerful natural way to replace instant collagen drinks, you know. The reason is, you only rely on fruits.
Like the upload from the TikTok account @yessiii198. Through her upload, she uses a combination of 3 types of fruit to keep her skin firm and wrinkle-free. The fruits or ingredients in question are beetroot, apple, and sunkist orange.
photo: TikTok/@yessiii198
Not only that, the account owner also added carrots. After knowing the ingredients used, let's see how to make it below, which has launched on Saturday (4/1).
- 1-2 beets
- 1 large carrot
- 1 Sunkist orange
- 3 apples
photo: TikTok/@yessiii198
How to make:
1. Wash the ingredients until they are completely clean.
2. Peel the beetroot and sunkist orange from the skin.
3. Cut all ingredients into smaller pieces
4. Put it in a blender, then blend all the ingredients
5. Strain and take the water only.
6. Pour into a glass
7. Natural collagen drink is ready to consume
8. You can put the rest in the refrigerator to consume the following days.
photo: TikTok/@yessiii198
Contains beets to keep skin firm.Beetroot can help keep your skin firm thanks to its rich nutritional content of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Beetroot is high in vitamin C, which plays a key role in collagen synthesis, as well as betaine, a natural compound that helps fight inflammation and improve blood circulation to the skin.
Benefits of carrots to prevent wrinkled skin.Carrots can prevent wrinkled skin thanks to their high beta-carotene content, a type of provitamin A that has strong antioxidant properties. Beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A in the body, which is essential for maintaining healthy skin. Vitamin A plays a role in accelerating skin cell regeneration and stimulating collagen production.
Sunkist oranges are effective in preventing the appearance of skin aging.Sunkist oranges are effective in preventing the appearance of skin aging due to their vitamin C content, which plays an important role in collagen production. Collagen helps keep skin firm, supple, and wrinkle-free. With increased collagen production, Sunkist oranges are effective in preventing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles that often appear with age.
Apples are effective in tightening the skin.Apples are effective in tightening the skin because of their high antioxidant, vitamin C, and fiber content. Vitamin C in apples plays an important role in collagen production. In addition, apples also contain flavonoids and polyphenols that function to fight free radicals that can damage skin cells and accelerate aging.