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15 Juli 2024 15:00

The trick for frying mendoan tempeh, the results are crispy and don't absorb a lot of oil, just add 2 kitchen ingredients

Not only is it soft, mendoan is also delicious when made crispy. Shahfara Raida

Typical Banyumas mendoan tempeh is generally only half-fried, so the texture of the dough still tends to be soft after cooking. However, many people choose to use their own creations when cooking it, so that the texture of tempe mendoan is deliberately made crispy.

One trick to make mendoan tempe crispy is to fry it longer. However, sometimes the processed mendoan tempeh can only be crispy for a moment, later after the tempeh cools, the texture is no longer crispy. Not to mention, if the frying technique is not right, mendoan tempeh can absorb too much oil, you know.

So, so that you don't fail, you can copy the trick for frying mendoan tempeh by TikTok account user @ayurizkyananda291, here. This woman admitted that she prefers crunchy mendoan tempeh, so she is familiar with the tricks so that the results are crispy and don't absorb a lot of oil.

"Tempeh mendoan is a dry fried version because I don't like it when it's wet, guys, it's according to your taste, so don't judge hehe, it's served with the mainstay soy sauce," he wrote in the caption of the TikTok video @ayurizkyananda291, quoted by BrilioFood on Monday (15/7).


Before getting into the trick, first prepare enough ground garlic spices. Then, add the ground spices to the bowl. Add flour, coriander powder, turmeric powder, salt and enough water. On the other hand, also add rice flour and a little baking soda. So, those are the two main kitchen ingredients for practicing the trick for frying mendoan tempeh so that it is crispy and doesn't absorb a lot of oil. Stir until all ingredients are mixed evenly and there are no lumps.


After that, add the chopped spring onions. Stir again until the mixture is smooth. If so, set the mixture aside to prepare the frying. Pour quite a bit of oil into a frying pan then heat it over medium stove heat. Yup, this frying pan and oil must be prepared immediately so that when the tempeh is ready to be fried, it is really hot. The reason is, if tempeh is fried when the oil is not really hot, the resulting fried tempeh can absorb too much oil, you know.


Then, while the oil is hot, cut the tempeh into pieces and dip them in the mixture. Make sure all surfaces of the tempeh are covered with mixture.


Next, fry the tempeh in hot oil. Wait until the color is brown and the texture is crispy. Occasionally, turn the tempeh back and forth so that it cooks evenly.


Once the mendoan tempeh is cooked, browned and crispy, immediately remove from heat and drain. The owner of the TikTok account @ayurizkyananda291 said that he usually serves tempeh mendoan with soy sauce mixed with chopped cayenne pepper.

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