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In this digital era, information is so abundant, memory becomes increasingly important.

  21 Mei 2024 09:00

Brilio.net - Memory is the brain's ability to store, remember and retrieve information. This ability is very important in everyday life, whether in terms of studying, working or interacting socially. However, it is not uncommon for us to experience difficulty remembering important information, especially under stress or fatigue.

In this digital era, information is so abundant, memory becomes increasingly important. Maintaining memory can be done in various ways. Starting from a healthy diet, enough sleep, to regular brain exercise. It is also important to avoid excessive stress, because it can disrupt brain function and affect memory.

Improving memory has a very important impact on everyday life. A good memory allows a person to learn more effectively, remember important information, and make better decisions. In the context of learning, a strong memory allows a person to understand complex concepts and remember information that has been studied for a particular test or assignment.

Someone who can remember instructions, project details, and other important information needed to complete a task well. This can increase a person's work efficiency and productivity.

Thus, improving memory not only impacts an individual's quality of life, but can also influence social relationships and career success. Therefore, it is important to pay attention and improve memory through the various methods mentioned previously. Here, brilio.net reports from various sources how to improve memory, Monday (20/5).

How to improve memory

1. Use repetition and practice methods to remember

Repetition and practice methods are two important strategies in improving memory. Repetition functions to strengthen memory traces in the brain, so that information that is repeated becomes easier to remember and find when needed. Practice methods, such as doing exercises or applying knowledge directly, help connect new information to real experiences, strengthen understanding, and make memories stronger.

These two methods work together to build stronger synaptic connections in the brain, ultimately improving memory retention and the ability to access information more efficiently.

2. Use the donkey bridge method

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The donkey bridge technique typically utilizes acronyms, visualizations, or short stories to connect difficult-to-remember information with something easier to remember. For example, to remember the order of the planets in the solar system (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune), a mnemonic sentence such as "Venus' Disciple Runs to Meet the Saint for the National University." Each word in the sentence represents the initial letter of each planet.

3. Grouping information

A method of remembering numbers by grouping each part. This activity, known as chunking, takes advantage of short-term memory capacity by dividing long pieces of information into smaller, more manageable groups. For example, the telephone number 081234567890 is easier to remember if it is broken down into 081-234-567-890. This technique works because the human brain more easily remembers information in smaller units, or "chunks," rather than long, disorganized strings of numbers.

Additionally, by creating meaningful collections of information, such as associating numbers with important dates or known patterns, we can improve memory. For example, remembering 19872014 as an important year in personal or general history can help strengthen memory of the number. This chunking and association technique effectively improves our ability to store and remember numerical information.

4. Create a "mind palace" (memory palace)

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Mind palace or memory palace is an ancient mnemonic technique used to organize and remember large amounts of information by visualizing a well-known physical place, such as a house or other building, and placing the information you want to remember in specific locations within that place. When wanting to remember such information, a person simply imagines walking through their memory palace and "retrieving" the information from the place they have designated it.

This technique harnesses the power of visualization and spatial association, allowing the brain to make strong connections between information and specific locations, thereby improving the ability to remember and access that information. Mind palaces are very effective in memorizing long lists, speeches, or complicated facts because they rely on an organized and familiar structure in the mind.

5. Calculating manually

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Counting manually can help maintain and improve memory because it involves active use of the brain to process numerical information. This activity stimulates cognitive activity and trains executive functions such as attention, concentration, and problem solving. When we calculate without the help of a calculator, we force the brain to perform mathematical operations and remember the steps and results of previous calculations, which strengthens synaptic networks and improves memory retention.

These activities not only help train short-term memory, but also strengthen broader cognitive skills, such as analytical and logical abilities, all of which contribute to overall brain health and better memory.

6. Does not depend on technology

Reduce the use of technology at every opportunity. By relying on memory and our own orienting abilities while traveling, we train the brain to develop mental maps and navigation skills. These activities are important for brain health and preventing cognitive decline.

Additionally, studying something in detail without relying on a quick internet search promotes deeper understanding and critical thinking skills. It encourages us to analyze, integrate information from various sources, and develop the ability to solve problems independently. Reducing dependence on technology helps keep the brain active, flexible, and functioning optimally in the long term.

7. Manage affairs in an organized manner

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photo: pixabay.com

Organizing things is very important for improving memory because order helps the brain process and store information more efficiently. When we organize and group information systematically, whether through neat notes, to-do lists, or clear categories, we make it easier for the brain to find and recall that information when needed.

Good organization reduces confusion and stress caused by scattered or unstructured information, allowing the brain to focus on processing and retaining information. Apart from that, an orderly environment also creates a calm and focused mental condition. Thus, the practice of organizing not only helps in time and task management, but also significantly improves our cognitive abilities and memory.

8. Always learn new things

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Learning new things can improve memory because this activity stimulates the brain to form and strengthen new synaptic connections, which are the basis of the learning and memory process. When we engage in new learning, such as learning a foreign language, playing a musical instrument, or learning a new skill, we challenge the brain to think and adapt to new information and concepts.

These challenges encourage neuroplasticity, which is the brain's ability to change and adapt, which improves overall cognitive function. New learning activities also help keep the brain active and sharp, preventing cognitive decline associated with aging. In addition, continuous learning enriches knowledge and experience.

9. Get enough rest

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When resting, the brain has the opportunity to process and consolidate newly learned information. During sleep, the brain carries out various important processes, such as transferring memories from short-term memory to long-term memory, strengthening newly formed synaptic connections, and clearing metabolic toxins that can interfere with cognitive function.

In addition, getting enough rest also helps restore energy and concentration, which is important for learning and remembering information more effectively. Thus, ensuring adequate rest time is a crucial step in maintaining and improving memory.

10. Do not consume alcohol

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Alcohol can damage the brain in various ways. Alcohol can interfere with communication between nerve cells in the brain, which can interfere with cognitive function and motor control. In addition, consuming large amounts of alcohol regularly can cause inflammation and damage to brain tissue, especially in the hippocampus area which is important for memory formation.

Alcohol can also cause vitamin B1 (thiamine) deficiency which contributes to brain damage. In the long term, excessive alcohol consumption can cause a general decline in cognitive abilities and increase the risk of serious neurological disorders such as dementia.

11. Consume healthy food that supports brain quality

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Food intake has a significant influence on memory. Foods rich in antioxidants, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains, can protect brain cells from oxidative damage and inflammation, which can improve cognitive function and memory.

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are abundant in fatty fish, are also important for brain health and memory. In addition, balanced and nutritious food intake in general can support overall body health, which in turn can affect brain health and memory.

On the other hand, consuming foods high in sugar and saturated fat can damage brain health and increase the risk of cognitive impairment. Thus, choosing healthy and nutritious foods can play an important role in improving memory and overall brain health.

Intern: Robiul Adil Robani
