Prolonged use can cause dirt to build up between the zipper teeth.

  17 Januari 2025 17:30 - Some furniture, such as wallets , are often equipped with zippers that can be opened and closed. However, sometimes the zipper on the wallet gets stuck and does not function properly. This problem often occurs in wallets that have been used for a long time. Prolonged use can cause dirt to build up between the zipper teeth, resulting in jamming or difficulty in opening and closing.

Many people assume that their wallets are damaged and unusable when the zipper has problems like this. However, instead of throwing it away, there are simple tricks that can be done to fix a stuck zipper. One common trick is to rub the zipper teeth with wax. Although effective, this trick can only be done when the wallet is open.

If the zipper gets stuck when the wallet is closed, there is another method that is more effective. A Facebook user named Fitri Rahmawati once shared this trick through one of her videos. Instead of using candles, she used a kitchen ingredient to solve the problem.

How to fix a stuck zipper.

As reported by BrilioFood from Facebook Fitri Rahmawati, Friday (17/1), the kitchen ingredient used is cooking oil. Well, this cooking oil functions as a lubricant that makes the zipper slippery and works optimally again.

how to fix a jammed wallet zipper  Facebook

photo: Facebook/Fitri Rahmawati

But to make it easier to use, it is better to prepare cooking oil in a small container. Then dip the tip of a cotton bud or cotton stick into the cooking oil. After that, apply it to the entire part of the zipper that is stuck.

Well, cooking oil poured into the zipper will help remove residue or dirt that makes the zipper jammed. In addition, this cooking oil also makes the zipper slippery again and can be opened and closed perfectly. However, immediately after being given cooking oil, it is better to let it sit for a few seconds so that the zipper can be opened and closed again.

how to fix a jammed wallet zipper  Facebook

photo: Facebook/Fitri Rahmawati

In addition to wallets, this trick can also be used for other items that have zippers, such as bags, clothes, and pants. Guaranteed not to damage, in fact the zipper will be more durable.

how to fix a jammed wallet zipper  Facebook

photo: Facebook/Fitri Rahmawati

Uses of cooking oil in the household.

Cooking oil has various uses in the household besides just frying food. Here are some uses of cooking oil in the household:

1. Frying food.

Of course, the main use of cooking oil is for frying foods, such as fritters, French fries, or fried chicken.

2. Grease the cooking utensils.

Cooking oil can be used to coat the surface of cooking utensils such as frying pans and pots so that food does not stick when cooked.

3. Remove stains.

Cooking oil can be used to remove stains on metal or plastic surfaces, such as kitchen counters or cookware.

4. Lubricant.

Cooking oil can be used as a lubricant to lubricate hinges, locks, or other mechanical devices to keep them functioning smoothly.

5. Polishing the wood.

Cooking oil can be used to polish and protect wooden surfaces, such as tables or wooden floors.

6. Remove glue.

Cooking oil can be used to remove glue residue on items such as stickers or labels that are difficult to remove.

7. Making candles.

By mixing cooking oil with other waxes, you can make a simple candle that can be used as an emergency light source.

8. Remove rust.

Cooking oil can be used to remove rust from metal surfaces, such as knives or other cooking utensils.

9. Caring for wood.

Cooking oil can be used to care for and extend the life of wood, such as furniture or household equipment made of wood.
