This woman has the nickname 'the mutant who can't sleep'

  3 Agustus 2024 11:00 - Sleep is a biological need for physical and mental health. Sleep allows the body to repair and regenerate cells, strengthen the immune system, and maintain hormonal balance. Therefore, adequate and quality sleep is very important to maintain health.

But apparently that doesn't apply to this woman. He even earned the nickname the 'sleepless mutant' because of his ability to avoid sleep altogether. He admitted that he had been awake continuously for the last three decades.

This woman named Nguyen Ngoc My Kim is 49 years old. Every day, this woman works as a seamstress in Long An province, Vietnam.

woman hasn't slept in 30 years various sources


This woman, who is often called Kim, said that she had not slept for 30 years. However, he admitted that his health was not affected at all. He is always quick to show that his body is fresh again even though he doesn't sleep.

Kim admitted that he had often stayed up late since he was little. Initially, he often didn't sleep well because he often read late at night. Apart from that, his work as a seamstress required him to often stay up late.

"Every night like that, I sit in front of the sewing machine and don't dare sleep because I'm afraid I won't be able to fulfill the order," said Kim as quoted by odditycentral on Saturday (3/8).

However, because of this habit, one day Kim Lants felt he didn't need to sleep at all. Therefore, he decided to stay awake all day.

"The first few times I worked through the night, I encountered a lot of difficulties. Not only did I fall asleep constantly and made a lot of mistakes while sewing, but I constantly felt tired and dizzy, and I even had several accidents," said Kim

"However, after being awake for months, then years, my eyes and body started to get used to the lack of sleep. From then on, I couldn't sleep even if I wanted to," he continued.

woman hasn't slept in 30 years various sources

photo: odditycentral

The insomnia that Kim has been experiencing for decades has not been medically proven. However, Kim dared to claim this because he knew that many people often saw him working all night. He admitted that every day Kim was always in her sewing shop with the lights on.

"At first, few people noticed my lack of sleep," says Kim.

"Then, many of them started to notice that I was always working at my stall. Seeing that the rumors were true, they spread them, and soon, I became famous for my ability to stay awake constantly." he continued.

woman hasn't slept in 30 years various sources

photo: odditycentral

News about him not being able to sleep for 30 years always goes viral on Vietnamese social media. Kim admitted that he was often overwhelmed when many visitors came to meet him and check whether the rumors were true. However, he didn't mind because the sewing stall was always open.
