- Not a few children have to take winding paths just to get to school. This can be caused by various factors, including limited transportation and the family's difficult economic situation. Therefore, children like this have to fight harder to be able to receive an education.
That's what this teenager from Jember, named Alif, felt. He is a student at Kartika IV-2 High School. But every day he has to run 5 kilometers just to go to school. Fortunately, after his story went viral, he was given a vehicle from the local government
It is known that Alif is also an orphan . He lives in the Cupu area, Baratan Village, Jember. It has been a long time since his parents passed away, currently Alif lives with his grandmother who lives with all limitations.
photo: TikTok/gallerybeauty19
He was forced to run every day a distance of 5 KM because he didn't have a vehicle. His economic condition means he cannot buy a bicycle. However, this did not make him despair and he remained enthusiastic. In his statement, he had to leave no later than 05.10 WIB from his house.
Thankfully, there was a car belonging to the school that picked him up at the Patrang sub-district office area. So he just ran from the house to the pick-up location. Later, Alif will be taken with his friends to school.
Because of these conditions, this teenager was forced to leave wearing a t-shirt and shoes. When he arrived at school, he took a shower and put on his uniform. This story then went viral and attracted the attention of netizens, including the Regent of Jember.
photo: TikTok/gallerybeauty19
Responding to Alif's story, the Regent of Jember then sent aid. Not only that, several other government agencies also did the same thing, such as the sub-district head and the Jember Police Chief. They came to Alif to provide assistance in the form of bicycles so they could use them to go to school.
The process of handing over this aid was also witnessed by many people, including neighbors. They were happy to see Alif receiving attention from the local government. This moment was also shared via a TikTok account with the username @gallerybeauty19.
photo: TikTok/gallerybeauty19
"Masha Allah, you have really been elevated to the rank of Lif. Until the regent came, the sub-district head also came," said the neighbor who made a video of the moment of handing over the aid.
"Happy joy, Lif. Blessings for orphans," continued the account @gallerybeauty19.
It is known that Alif also dreams of becoming the Indonesian National Army (TNI). So in his confession, apart from the fact that he didn't have the money to buy a vehicle, he used this moment as an opportunity to train to keep his body fit.
However, after the local government provided assistance to Alif, many netizens criticized him. Because the government seems to only pay attention to something when it goes viral.
photo: TikTok/gallerybeauty19
"Actually, there are many other Alif Alifs. Hopefully the local government can be more sensitive to its people," wrote the account @ikatan.
"If it goes viral, just look at it. So far, where have the relevant authorities and officials been. There are still many other Alif Alif who have not been exposed. This is indeed the country of Konoha," said the account @odading65.
"The power of netizens is truly incomparable. Thanks to those who made Alif viral," said the account @zoelzoelfikar.
"When things go wrong, tea officials will come. Ouch, this is Indonesia. Hopefully those like Alif who can't afford it will also be helped," commented the account @theocasper.