foto: TikTok/@anienilam

This incident grabbed people's hearts because dozens of goats were running on the highway.

  6 Mei 2024 17:25 - Unlucky moments can be annoying, especially when you're busy, whether it's at work or when you're pressed for time and have to rush. If it's like this, like it or not, you have to accept the situation.

A pickup driver experienced an unfortunate moment while traveling. While crossing the Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed flyover, precisely KM 11+200 towards Jakarta, suddenly the pickup truck had a tire burst.

This moment was uploaded by TikTok @anienilam. In the upload, someone from inside the car appears to be capturing the incident. While passing by, the account owner encountered a pickup truck parked on the side of the road. However, what is interesting about this incident is that dozens of goats got loose and roamed the road.

He also had time to ask the pickup driver about his condition. However, after confirming that nothing serious had happened, the account owner immediately walked away slowly because dozens of goats were blocking him.

Somehow the goats got out of the pickup and ran down the street. From the upload, it can be seen that apart from the broken tire, the back of the pickup also looks damaged.

A number of other vehicles were also unable to move their vehicles smoothly, because a number of goats were in the way. Some vehicles even had to stop because the herd of goats ran without knowing which direction.

Tire burst while passing overpass  TikTok

Tire burst while passing overpass

According to information obtained by from, Monday (6/5), GM Operations and Maintenance of PT Jasamarga Cikampek Flyover Desti Anggraeni said the accident occurred on Saturday (4/5) at around 18.47 WIB. The incident started when the pickup came from Cikampek towards Jakarta in lane 1.

"Upon arrival at the crime scene (TKP), the vehicle experienced a ruptured rear left tire which caused the vehicle to swerve to the left and turn around to face Cikampek on the outer shoulder," said Destii, Sunday (5/5).

Tire burst while passing overpass  TikTok

Tire burst while passing overpass

After the incident, officers immediately went to the location and handled the situation. Then, at around 19.35 WIB, the incident was handled properly by officers.

The same source also stated that there were no casualties from this incident. After road conditions returned to normal, this incident was handled further by Highway Patrol Officers for the Jakarta-Cikampek Region.

This incident occurred. PT Jasamarga Jalanlayang Cikampek (JJC) apologizes for the inconvenience experienced by road users. Apart from that, we urge road users to remain careful and maintain a safe distance when driving, obey traffic signs and directions from officers in the field and ensure that vehicles are in a roadworthy condition.

Crowded on social media because of the many goats roaming the toll road, the video uploaded by Ani has been watched 823.1 thousand times and received 1334 comments from netizens. Many people prayed for the condition of the pickup driver, and quite a few also advised him to be more careful when driving.

"How come the driver is still safe," said the account @mamnura1520

"It's really exciting, I hope there are no casualties," said the account @alifialatifaa

"Be careful for car drivers on the MBZ ditol. Look at the speed, don't exceed the limit because the wind is strong on the MBZ ditol," commented the account @iam__star12

"Ouch, how dangerous it is in mbz," responded the account @ndskr_

"Mbz, there are a lot of connections, so it's not suitable for a pickup with luggage," wrote the account @alumnianakwarnet

@anienilam @ptjmto #tolmbz original sound - anie nilam
