foto: TikTok/@maqiloo

31 years of holding back longing, after meeting it makes me regret it

  8 Juni 2024 03:00 - The mother figure is the incarnation of a wingless angel for her children. Mothers will raise their children surrounded by love. It's natural for a mother to not want to be separated from her child.

Likewise with the mother in this post. Unfortunately, the child has been away from home since 1993. The mother could feel nothing other than sadness and immediately made efforts to look for him. The story can be seen in the TikTok video posted by the @maqiloo account.

It is known that for 31 years the missing child never returned. This missing child was named Usmiyati. The younger brother has posted it via social media to get help from netizens. There are some who claim to know this figure.

search for missing children  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@maqiloo

"This is my older sister, her name is Usmiyati/Siti Wasilah. Born in Purworejo, she left home around 1993 without saying goodbye. Finally there was news in Bontang, East Kalimantan. Sis, I miss your mother coming home," he wrote in the caption.

One netizen matched the name with someone he knew in his area. His statement also gives hope for the family to receive further information. The netizen said that the Siti he knew was not in Bontang but Balikpapan.

"Sorry, that's Mrs. Siti's name. She has a mole on her lip. If I'm not mistaken, I know that mother, but not in Bontang City. But in Balikpapan City," he wrote.

search for missing children  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@maqiloo

Apart from these netizens, many netizens provided information. In this way, the way is opened to meet the old figure. Various pieces of information were dug up again and in the end, the mother was able to find the location of her child.

It's true that the missing child is in Balikpapan. Then the mother planned to meet her child immediately. The longing is so strong because the last time they met was 31 years ago.

search for missing children  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@maqiloo

However, it wasn't tears of emotion that came out of his eyes when he met his child. The mother actually cried uncontrollably because she felt so sad. How could he not, he had to accept the fact that his child had died. Because of that, his dream of letting go of his longing was shattered.

"Thank you for meeting me but he is already dead," he wrote in the caption.

"The mother's dream of meeting her 31 year old son has been destroyed forever," he continued.

This story immediately attracted the attention of netizens. Many people were touched by what their mother was currently feeling. Netizens can only ask the mother to be patient.

From the time the video was posted until this article was written, the @maqiloo account has gathered millions of views. Apart from that, there are also hundreds of thousands of likes and thousands of comments.

"Oh God, he didn't meet his mother while he was still alive," said the account @mastuti

"Oh God, it hurts a mother to lose her child, it's the same way that I just lost my father, it hurts so much, be patient, ma'am, even though it's not easy," explained the account @riniarini part

"Oh my God. I went to Wonosobo yesterday... my sister said in Wonosobo there was no brother... but I was curious but I was determined to go there... when they got there they were all still there," said @melmel.

"Oh Allah, it's sad to see... I hope the deceased will be laid to rest in his grave, the gates of heaven will be opened for him, Amen," commented the account @koyi.

@maqiloo Tintok magic thank you for meeting my brother and we have connected with Ms. Usmiyati's ex-husband and children #fyp #shorts #alhamdulillah #grateful #oranglawang #netizenindonesia #thankyou #thank you #mom original voice - @Maqiloo
