foto: TikTok/@dafapurnama10

Haji Beky, crazy rich Blitar will also help renovate Aditya Kediri's house, which is in a sad condition

  18 Mei 2024 13:00 - A junior high school boy named Adit, recently went viral on social media. At the age of 13, he showed extraordinary dedication in caring for his two parents who were paralyzed due to a stroke.

Adit's story is even more heartbreaking because this middle school boy had to give up his education to take care of his parents alone. Not to mention, they live in a very simple house.

After it went viral, a lot of help came from various parties. Even the Kediri Regency Government (Pemkab) also visited Adit to provide assistance. The help Adit received was varied, both in terms of finances, basic necessities, moral support and so on.

Recently, the person who also visited Adit's house and intended to provide assistance was Gus Iqdam. A preacher whose preaching style is popular with young people intends to renovate Adit's residence. Because in Adit's viral video, the house is narrow and uninhabitable .

Gus Iqdam renovates Adit's house  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@dafapurnama10

Together with Haji Beky and the entire Hadroh Sabilu Taubah team, Gus Iqdam renovated the house. When visiting Adit's house, many local residents gathered. Naturally, Gus Iqdam is loved by many people.

" Gus Iqdham & Haji Beky & the entire Hadroh Sabilu Taubah team visited Adit's residence and will carry out a house renovation ," said the uploader's account.

Accompanied by a police car, Gus Iqdam arrived at Adit's house at night. The preacher was seen looking around the house for parts that needed to be renovated. He comes with a black hoodie and sarong bottoms. Don't forget, he also wears a black cap on his head.

Apart from helping to renovate the house, Gus Iqdam was seen chatting with Adit and his parents. At that moment, Gus Iqdam suddenly took off the hoodie he was wearing. It turned out he intended to give it to Adit.

Gus Iqdam renovates Adit's house  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@dafapurnama10

Suddenly Adit immediately approached and accepted the hoodie. Gus Iqdam also gave him a white envelope which of course contained some money. Adit thanked him by kissing Gus Iqdam's hand. Immediately after that, Adit put on the hoodie.

At the end of the video, Gus Iqdam gathers in the yard not far from Adit's house. Together with the residents, he sang prayers of praise to the prophet Muhammad SAW. Before returning home, he greeted and said goodbye to local residents.

What Gus Iqdam did went viral and attracted the attention of netizens. Many praised this action. Apart from that, quite a few are curious about what Adit's house will look like when it has been renovated.

Gus Iqdam renovates Adit's house  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@dafapurnama10

" Get a limited edition sweater. Which not everyone can get. Be healthy, Gus Iqdam, Adit, father and mother. And all the Sabilu Taubah extended family ," wrote the account @andry

" I can't wait to see Adit's house finished. And they can sleep soundly, they have a room with a mattress. Raise this child's status, O Allah ," said the account @ayudian

" Proof of glorifying your parents. Their blessings never end ," said the account @marlina789

" Gus Idham, if you have children who honor their parents, they really love you. In the past there was a congregation whose parents loved them and bought them a motorbike and also had their house repaired ," wrote the account @ariananti

" Concrete evidence of immediate response in the world. Dedicated to parents. Thank you Gus Iqdam and Team, " said the account @dedek Bintang.

Gus Iqdam renovates Adit's house  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@dafapurnama10

The video of Gus Iqdam visiting Adit was posted via a TikTok account with the username @dafapurnama10. From the time the video was posted until this article was written, it has gathered 481,200 viewers. Apart from that, there were also 33,900 accounts that gave likes and 1,170 comments.
