Sadly, the family property had already been sold when this man returned from migrating from Kalimantan.

  4 Juli 2024 05:26 - Inheritance is often a source of conflict between siblings for various reasons. Unclearness in the division of assets or perceived unfairness can trigger disputes. Additionally, differences of opinion about who is entitled to a greater share or responsibility for inherited assets can exacerbate the situation.

That's what this man felt. It is known that he was even removed from his Family Card (KK). The story can be seen via the YouTube video posted by the Detik Asa account.

The man's name is Jon who comes from Palembang. In the video, he tells the twists and turns of life that he has gone through. Before finally fighting in overseas lands, Pria Jon admitted that he had been expelled from the KK . It was suspected that his family was busy taking care of the inheritance.

scavengers dropped by kk due to inheritance  YouTube

photo: YouTube/@Detik Asa

It wasn't enough just to be removed from the KK, the man was even thought to have died by his family when he tried to migrate to Kalimantan.

"It's a matter of family, right? Siblings. It's an inheritance issue. That's because the KK has been crossed out. It's said to be dead," said Jon, quoted from YouTube Detik Asa on Wednesday (3/7).

Using his own eyes, the man saw a piece of paper which was a death certificate. He was even more surprised when he saw that his own name was written on the paper.

"There was a death certificate, even though I was in Kalimantan at that time," he said.

scavengers dropped by kk due to inheritance  YouTube

photo: YouTube/@Detik Asa

He received all this bitterness after returning from Kalimantan. When he arrived in his hometown, Jon was immediately shocked because the land and his family's house had changed hands. He found out that all the property had been sold by the family.

"From there it was thought to be dead. When I returned to Palembang, I was shocked. Why was the house and land already in someone else's name? In fact, someone else had built the house. That was a shock," he said.

Seeing this reality, Jon admitted that he couldn't do much. If you want to protest, you're confused about where to go. Because, the party who committed all these actions is still recognized as a relative.

"You can't protest. It's useless if we protest with you," he said.

When he returned home, what he met was his first brother. Jon immediately conveyed various complaints that he had been harboring. He asked why the family was willing to assume he was dead. The eldest brother could only respond with silence.

scavengers dropped by kk due to inheritance  YouTube

photo: YouTube/@Detik Asa

"It's cruel to say this. I was disappointed, a death certificate was issued to me. From there I was disappointed. He (first brother) didn't say anything, just kept quiet," said Jon.

Jon had no other choice but to leave his hometown. There was nothing left of him. In fact, his first brother immediately kicked him out and said that Jon was no longer his brother.

"As soon as I wanted to go home, I wanted to excuse myself, he said a little, you're not my brother," said Jon.

Now, he has migrated to Cilegon, Banten. Jon currently works as a scavenger. He admitted that he was no longer concerned about inheritance. However, it still remains to this day.

"In fact, what makes you sick now is that a death certificate is being made," he concluded.

Jon's life story then went viral and attracted the attention of netizens. Many people provide support to these scavengers. Netizens also admit that the biggest enemies usually come from close relatives.

scavengers dropped by kk due to inheritance  YouTube

photo: YouTube/@Detik Asa

" The biggest enemy is the people closest to you. Those who are said to be relatives, blood relatives, but if the problem of property can be a disaster, there must be someone who has a greedy nature ," said the account @komariyah

" Oh my God, how heartless Mr. Jon's brothers are, what a pity it is to see his children living like this, where is your conscience ," wrote aun @user_115d

" Try, brother, look for them, there is a misunderstanding, so it's resolved. Humans don't exist who are perfect, but don't want to be perfect, just the ideal ," commented the account @dedenjuanedi3075.
