- There is a saying about education that is very inspiring, "it's never too late to learn". This sentence is actually practiced by people who are old but are still enthusiastic about pursuing education.
Recently, on social media, a moment went viral when elderly students did not seem proud to mingle with younger people to take part in a campus activity. Reported by from the TikTok account @armeth5, Thursday (11/7), the account shared a moment of Real Work Lecture (KKN) briefing from the IAIN Manado Teaching Faculty.
On this agenda, there is a seminar on providing and directing students before leaving for the KKN location. However, what made it wrong was that at the end of the event, when students were taking photos together, they saw a student who looked very different from the other students.
photo: TikTok/@armeth5
When students are identified with young people, the figure in the photo session turns out to be no longer young. It is known that the KKN program from IAIN Manado was attended by a student who was 68 years old.
Not a master's degree, doctoral degree, or professor, this middle-aged woman is said to still be studying at undergraduate level and will take part in the mandatory KKN program at her campus. The moment he took a photo using his alma mater also attracted a lot of attention.
photo: TikTok/@armeth5
The reason is, among the existing students, he is the only one who has such an unequal age difference. Nevertheless, the owner of the video, known to lecturers on campus, appreciated the 'senior' student.
"For students who are indifferent to their studies, look at this 68-year-old mother who is passionate about KKN," he wrote in the video caption.
photo: TikTok/@armeth5
This viral video also made netizens react and comment on this moment. One of them said that the saying "it's never too late" really happened at that moment.
There were also those who told me that on campus, there were even those who did KKN by inviting their grandchildren.
" It turns out the saying 'it's never too late' is not just an empty message, the proof is in this mother. Keep up the spirit, ma'am ," wrote the account @skyieyours.
" When I was on KKN yesterday, someone brought their grandchildren ," said the account @windimaulana26.
" Oh Allah, I really appreciate it, I see that your mother is really great, I swear. She's healthy and you're in good spirits ," said the account @yaya_sh15.
" Those in a group with their mothers, please make their mothers happy and keep laughing, don't get tired or stressed ," wrote the account @bryan1997__.