
These five twins consist of 4 baby girls and 1 baby boy.

  9 Juli 2024 19:22 - Social media was shocked by the rare news experienced by a mother from Indramayu Regency, West Java. She gave birth to quintuplets. It is known that the five babies were born at the Indramayu Regional Hospital last Sunday (7/7).

Mother in Indramayu gives birth to quintuplets. Various sources


Reported by from, Tuesday (9/7), these five twins consisted of 4 girls and 1 boy. It is known that these five twins were born to the couple Nuraeni (32) and Warsilah (39) who were registered as residents of Bodas Village, Tukdana District, Indramayu.

"The birth of quintuplets is the first time this has happened in Indramayu," said the Director of RSUD Indramayu, Dr. Deden Bonni Koswara in Indramayu to media crew, Monday (9/7).

Deden explained that previously the patient had received a referral from the local Community Health Center to be taken to the Indramayu Regional Hospital to undergo the delivery process. During the initial examination, he said, there were three fetuses in the patient's womb. However, the number of fetuses detected became four when the gestational age reached 28 weeks.

"Until the birth was approaching, only four fetuses were detected, the other one was not detected during ultrasonography - ultrasound - because the baby was in a stacked position," he said.

Mother in Indramayu gives birth to quintuplets. Various sources


The Indramayu Hospital medical team immediately acted quickly when this patient's amniotic fluid broke. Then it was decided that the delivery process would be carried out using a caesarean section.

According to Deden's statement, the caesarean section started at 18.30 WIB until 19.45 WIB. After that, the medical team succeeded in helping the patient give birth to four baby girls and one baby boy.

When the five babies were born, they were healthy. "Currently the baby's mother is recovering in a separate treatment room," he said.

Deden further stated that these five babies were born with a weight below average. Therefore, the medical team placed the twins in an incubator in the Gedong Gincu 2 room at Indramayu Regional Hospital.

He guarantees that the general condition of the five twins is good and healthy, but special care is still needed.

Mother in Indramayu gives birth to quintuplets. Various sources


News of the birth of these quintuplets also went viral on social media. It was stated that this incident was the first time this had ever happened in Indonesia.
