Swimming is a water sport that offers many benefits for physical and mental health.

  13 September 2024 15:45

Brilio.net - Swimming is one of the water sports that offers many benefits for physical and mental health. In addition to being able to train almost all the muscles of the body, swimming is also very good for maintaining heart and lung health. Not only that, this sport can also improve balance, coordination, and endurance. For beginners, starting swimming may seem a little challenging, especially in mastering basic techniques. One important thing to understand is the various swimming styles and how to do them correctly.

Each swimming style has its own techniques and challenges. A good understanding of the various swimming styles will not only help in developing swimming skills but also prevent injuries that may occur due to improper technique. Mastering breathing techniques, hand movements, feet, and body positions are the keys to achieving the best performance in this sport. In addition, regular practice with the right guidance will help beginners develop their skills faster and more efficiently.

For beginners, in addition to learning various swimming styles, it is also good to follow some basic tips to make swimming training more effective. Mastering the basics such as breathing, body position, and leg and arm movements will greatly help in improving swimming ability. The following is an explanation of the various styles in swimming and some useful tips for beginners that brilio.net has collected from various sources, Friday (13/9).

Various styles in swimming

Mastering various swimming styles is an important step for anyone who wants to learn this water sport. Each style has its own techniques and characteristics, which offer different benefits and challenges. The various styles in swimming are as follows:

1. Freestyle

Freestyle or often referred to as freestyle is the fastest and most popular swimming style among swimmers. In this style, the swimmer is in a prone position on the surface of the water with alternating hand movements. The legs also play an important role in freestyle, where the legs are constantly paddled to provide propulsion. One important aspect of freestyle is the breathing technique, where the swimmer must turn his head to the side every few hand movements to inhale air. This style is ideal for beginners who want to develop speed and strength in swimming.

2. Backstroke

As the name suggests, backstroke is done by lying on your back in the water, unlike other styles that are generally done facing down. In backstroke, the hands move alternately in a circular motion from the back to above the head, while the legs are paddled to maintain momentum. One of the advantages of backstroke is the ease of breathing, because the face is always above the water. However, the challenge for beginners is directing the body in the water, because they cannot see directly ahead.

3. Breaststroke

Breaststroke is one of the slowest but most relaxed swimming strokes. The swimmer is in a prone position with the arms moving forward symmetrically, then pulled back. Meanwhile, the legs perform a movement like a frog kick, providing a strong enough push to move forward. The breathing technique in breaststroke is relatively easy because the head can be lifted every time the arms push back. For beginners, this style is suitable for practicing breathing and balance because of its slower speed.

4. Butterfly style

Butterfly is known as one of the most challenging swimming strokes and requires great muscle strength. In this style, both hands move together in a circular motion from front to back, while the legs kick simultaneously known as the dolphin kick. This style requires good coordination between hand, leg, and breathing movements. Although difficult, butterfly is a very effective way to increase muscle strength and stamina.

Good swimming tips for beginners

Learning to swim can be a challenging experience, especially for beginners who are new to this water sport. There are many things to consider, from breathing techniques, body position, to proper hand and foot movements. However, with a few simple tips, you can speed up the learning process and enjoy swimming more comfortably and safely. Here are some good swimming tips for beginners:

1. Learn the correct breathing techniques

One of the main keys in swimming is the ability to control breathing. Many beginners find it difficult to control their breathing when in the water. Try to practice proper breathing techniques before starting a swimming session. When swimming freestyle, for example, get used to taking a breath every three or four arm movements. Controlling your breathing rhythm will make swimming easier and more comfortable.

2. Focus on body position

Good body position will help reduce drag in the water and make movements more efficient. Make sure your body remains parallel to the surface of the water. In freestyle and breaststroke, try to keep your head straight and not too low or high. Good body position will also help you conserve energy and increase your speed when swimming.

3. Start with an easy style

For beginners, it is best to start with the easiest strokes to learn, such as breaststroke or freestyle. Both of these strokes are simpler in terms of technique and breathing compared to butterfly or backstroke. By starting with easier strokes, you can build confidence and slowly develop skills for more challenging strokes.

4. Warm up before swimming

Warming up is very important before doing any physical activity, including swimming. Do light warm-up movements such as stretching your muscles, especially in the arms, legs, and back. Warming up helps improve blood circulation, prepares your muscles for movement, and reduces the risk of injury while swimming.

5. Practice in a shallow pool first

For beginners, practicing in a shallow pool is a wise step before trying to swim in a deeper pool. The shallow pool provides a sense of security and allows you to focus more on basic techniques without worrying about the depth of the water.

6. Use aids if necessary

There is nothing wrong with using swimming aids such as floats or swimming boards, especially when you are still in the early stages of learning. These aids can help you maintain balance and focus on leg or arm movements, without having to worry about drowning.
