Anecdotal text is a text that contains a short and funny story, but often conveys a moral message or criticism of a situation.

  13 September 2024 13:45 - Anecdotal text is a text that contains a short and funny story, but often conveys a moral message or criticism of a situation. One type of anecdote that is widely searched for is "Example of anecdotal text of corruptor satire", which aims to satirize corrupt behavior that is rampant in society. This text usually uses humor as a tool to convey sharp satire about the mistakes, corruption, or abuse of power carried out by corrupt officials.

To better understand the example of anecdotal texts satirizing corruptors, you need to understand the structure and characteristics of anecdotal texts in general. Anecdotes usually begin with an introduction to the situation or character, then go into the core of the story which often ends with a funny but satirical incident. In the end, this anecdote carries an implicit or explicit moral message or criticism, often aimed at inviting readers to think more critically about the issue raised, in this case corruption.

In addition, it is important to know that anecdotal texts have distinctive characteristics, such as the use of characters that represent certain parties, background stories that often occur in real life, and simple language but contain deep meaning. Examples of satirical anecdotal texts about corruptors often use a satirical style of language to describe the reprehensible behavior of corruptors, which makes readers reflect and laugh at the same time.

For that, has summarized from various sources, Friday (13/9) 5 Examples of satirical anecdotal texts of corruptors, understand the meaning, structure, and characteristics. Come on, see the discussion.

1. Get rich quick race

On a television show, a reporter conducted an interview with an official who was known to be very rich. The reporter, in a curious tone, asked, "Sir, what is your secret to getting rich so quickly? Even though you have only been in office for a few years."
The official smiled broadly, feeling flattered by the question. He replied, "Ah, just a little secret! The important thing is, you must have two things: first, a soft chair in a government office. Second, a thick envelope that comes regularly every month."
The reporter was surprised, "Oh, you mean from the salary, huh?"
The official chuckled, "No, it's not a salary. The salary is for the children's snacks. This envelope is from good people who want to speed up their affairs. If I only depend on a salary, what can I do?"
The studio audience immediately laughed, albeit bitterly. They knew the official was making fun of how common the practice of envelopes was among officials.

2. Smart child

In an elementary school, a teacher was explaining the importance of honesty and avoiding corrupt behavior. After giving a long explanation, the teacher asked his students, "Children, who knows what corruption is?"
A child quickly raised his hand and replied, "I know, Mom! Corruption is like my father."
The teacher was surprised and asked, "Oh really? Can you explain what you mean?"
The child innocently replied, "My father always says that he earns a lot of money but rarely works. He says that he has a project, but the project is never finished. And every time money comes in, my father says it's a bonus from the project which he says is to 'smooth things out'."
The teacher was stunned, then asked again, "Your father is an official?"
The boy nodded proudly, "Yes, ma'am. He said his salary comes from people's taxes, but the extra money comes from envelopes that come every time there's a big project!"

3. Bridge project

One day, a contractor got a big project to build a bridge in a remote area. After working hard for several months, the bridge was finally completed and inaugurated by a local official.
The official proudly cut the ribbon and said, "This is the result of all our hard work, for the progress of this region."
However, a week later, the bridge collapsed. People were in an uproar and questioned the quality of the project. When investigated, it turned out that the bridge construction funds were cut almost in half for the personal interests of several officials.
When asked by reporters, the contractor calmly replied, "The bridge is actually strong, but a lot of the money for the bridge was cut for envelopes. So, the bridge's lifespan was also 'cut short'. If the full funds were used according to plan, this bridge could last a long time."
The officials who were present at the inauguration immediately disappeared from the public, avoiding the media spotlight that continued to pursue them.

4. Money tree

One afternoon, an official was seen busy planting a large tree in his yard. His neighbor who happened to be passing by was curious and asked, "Sir, what kind of tree are you planting? It looks very special."
The official smiled proudly and replied, Its a money tree.
The neighbor was surprised and asked again, "Money tree? How do you plant it?"
With a sly smile, the official explained, "It's very easy! You just need to sit comfortably in the seat of government, and the money will grow by itself. There's no need to wait around. The longer you sit, the more fertile the tree will be."
The neighbors were astonished, but soon realized that the official was not referring to a real money tree, but rather money that came from various dirty practices he had engaged in while in office.

5. Worms and Flies

One sunny day, a worm and a fly were chatting in a pile of rubbish. The worm was curious and asked the fly, "Why do you like to land in dirty places? Aren't you bothered by this bad smell?"
The fly replied casually, "This dirty place is a source of sustenance! Here, I can eat as much as I want without having to work hard. There is a lot of free food!"
The worm laughed when he heard the fly's answer, "So we are the same! I also live in a dirty place, namely corruption. Many officials come to give me 'food' without me having to ask. They are afraid that my work will be disrupted, so they give me a lot of 'food' so that I can continue to live in this dirty system."
The fly laughed out loud, "Wow, we are a perfect match! We live in the same world, full of filth that feeds us."
