It is hoped that parents and teachers can work together more closely to create a better learning environment.

  13 September 2024 06:10 - In today's digital era, collaboration between parents and teachers is increasingly important to support student education. Social media and digital platforms have opened up new opportunities for parents and teachers to communicate and work together more effectively. Good collaboration between the two can create a more holistic learning environment for students, both at home and at school. Here are 5 ways to build strong collaboration between parents and teachers in student education in the era of social media.

Collaboration between parents and teachers in student education is essential, especially in the age of social media. By using technology and digital platforms effectively, this collaboration can become easier and more productive. Using social media groups, hosting webinars, utilizing classroom management applications, holding online meetings, and creating educational content together are some ways to build strong collaborations that are beneficial to student development.

With this approach, it is hoped that parents and teachers can work together more closely to create a better learning environment, supporting students' academic development, character and overall well-being. compiled from various sources, Friday (13/9), the following 5 ways to build collaboration between parents and teachers for the advancement of children's education.

1. Using Social Media Groups for Effective Communication

One of the most effective ways to increase collaboration between parents and teachers is to create a social media group such as WhatsApp, Facebook, or Telegram specifically for a students class or study group. This group can be used to share important information, such as activity schedules, school announcements, homework, and student progress.

Through this group, parents can easily interact with teachers and ask questions related to their child's education. With faster and easier communication, both parties can work together to support students' academic progress and character development.

education and social media


2. Hold Regular Webinars and Online Discussions

In the age of social media, webinars and online discussions can be an effective way to bring parents and teachers together in one forum. Teachers can host webinars on important topics such as homeschooling methods, using technology for learning, or how to support student mental health.

With this online discussion, parents can gain new insights on how to support their child's education at home, as well as have the opportunity to ask questions and share experiences with teachers and other parents. This creates a collaborative environment that benefits all parties.

3. Utilizing Class Management Applications for Monitoring and Evaluation

Classroom management apps like Google Classroom, Seesaw, or Edmodo can be a great tool for building collaboration between parents and teachers. These apps allow parents to view student assignments, academic progress, and provide immediate feedback.

With easy access to this information, parents can help their children at home and coordinate with teachers if there are things that need attention. Teachers can also provide regular student progress reports through this application, so parents always get the latest information.

4. Building Strong Relationships Through Online Meetings

In addition to using social media and digital applications, online meetings through platforms such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams are also important to build stronger relationships between parents and teachers. These meetings can be held regularly, for example every month, to discuss student development, challenges faced, and solutions that can be done together.

With these regular meetings, parents and teachers can get to know each other better and build strong trust. This will facilitate communication and cooperation in supporting student education.

5. Create Educational Content Together for Social Media

Collaboration is not only about communication, but also about creating educational content that can be useful for students and other parents. Teachers and parents can work together to create content such as learning videos, learning tips, or articles about parenting in the digital era.

This content can be shared through school social media or community groups, so that more parents and students can benefit. By collaborating on content, parents and teachers show that they are a solid team in supporting students' education.
