
This vaccine is important to maintain public health and prevent the spread of diseases that can be easily transmitted.

  13 September 2024 10:10 - The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia announced that it has agreed to use the monkeypox vaccine, aka mpox , which has been received from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM). This approval marks one of the steps to combat mpox, which is a global health threat similar to smallpox.

This vaccine is important to maintain public health and prevent the spread of diseases that can be easily transmitted. Later in Indonesia, the type of vaccine that will be used for this mpox is MVA-BN.

While the mpox vaccine is divided into three types that have been licensed and used in various countries. Each vaccine has different characteristics and storage methods, so it is important to understand the details in order to maximize the benefits and effectiveness of the vaccine.

The following is a detailed description of the three types of vaccines that have been approved for the prevention of smallpox, reported by from the official document of the World Health Organization (WHO) on smallpox and smallpox, Thursday (12/9).

1. MVA-BN.

3 types of mpox vaccines  2024


MVA-BN is a modified smallpox virus-based vaccine. It is administered by subcutaneous injection in two doses. Each dose contains 0.5 mL of vaccine containing 1x108 PFU and the second dose is usually given 4 weeks after the first dose. During global mpox outbreaks, the vaccine can also be administered intradermally in a smaller dose (0.1 mL) to conserve vaccine usage.

MVA-BN was first approved in the United States in 2019 for the prevention of smallpox and mpox in adults. Canada also expanded the indication for MVA-BN to mpox that same year. On July 22, 2022, the European Union approved the vaccine for the prevention of mpox in adults. Although MVA-BN is not yet licensed for children under 18 years of age, the United States granted emergency use authorization in 2022 for that age group.

2. LC16m8.

LC16m8 is a freeze-dried vaccine that must be given as a single dose using the scarification method with a bifurcated needle. This vaccine belongs to the third generation vaccine category and is packaged in multidose vials.

For long-term storage, LC16m8 should be stored at temperatures between -35C and -20C. It can also be stored at 5C for 2 years and at 37C for up to 4 weeks. Storage away from sunlight is essential because sunlight can weaken the vaccine. LC16m8 has been licensed in Japan since 1975 for the prevention of smallpox without age restrictions, and its indication was expanded to mpox in August 2022.

3. ACAM2000.

3 types of mpox vaccines  2024


ACAM2000 is also given as a single dose via a bifurcated needle scarification method, similar to LC16m8. This vaccine must be stored in a freezer at an average temperature of -5C to -25C. After reconstitution, ACAM2000 can be stored in a refrigerator at 2C to 8C for 30 days.

This vaccine has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for smallpox immunization and is currently available for use against mpox under the Expanded Access Investigational New Drug protocol.

These three vaccines represent significant progress in the global effort to prevent and control mpox. With multiple vaccine options, countries can tailor their vaccination strategies based on local availability, infrastructure, and specific needs. The importance of understanding and implementing vaccines appropriately will support effective prevention efforts and improve public health resilience to this infectious disease.

Side effects of the mpox vaccine.

It is known that the side effects of the monkeypox vaccine or mpox can vary depending on a person's health condition. Before administering the vaccination, medical personnel will first check the patient's medical history to assess whether it is safe to vaccinate.

According to the CDC website, local side effects that occur after Mpox vaccine injection are erythema, pain, edema, pruritus or itching, hyperpigmentation, and induration. Systemic side effects include fatigue, headache, myalgia or muscle pain, nausea, chills, and fever.
