Marriage is a sacred bond regulated by religion and law to form a harmonious and happy family.

  25 September 2024 03:25 - Marriage is a sacred bond regulated by religion and law to form a harmonious and happy family. In Islam, marriage has very clear and strict rules to ensure that the relationship formed is legitimate and in accordance with sharia. There are several types of marriage that are prohibited in Islam because they are considered not in accordance with religious principles and can damage the social order.

Understanding the types of marriage that are forbidden in Islam is very important for every Muslim. This is not only to avoid sin, but also to ensure that the marriage that is being carried out is valid and blessed by Allah. In addition, building a happy family also requires effort and commitment from both parties. There are several tips that can be followed to create a harmonious and happy family.

Here is an explanation of the three types of marriage that are forbidden by Islam and tips for building a happy family. Each type of forbidden marriage is explained with relevant examples, as well as practical tips to help build a harmonious family.

1. Mut'ah Marriage (Contract Marriage)

Definition: Mut'ah marriage, or contract marriage, is a marriage that is carried out for a certain period of time with the agreement that the marriage will end after the specified time has expired. This marriage is not recognized in Sunni Islam and is considered invalid.

Example: A man and woman agree to marry for one month for a specific purpose, such as sexual satisfaction or financial gain. After one month, the marriage is considered over without the need for divorce proceedings.

Reasons for prohibition: Mut'ah marriage is considered inconsistent with the principles of marriage in Islam which prioritize eternity and long-term commitment. This marriage can also damage the social and moral order in society.

2. Sighar's Marriage

Definition: Shighar marriage is a marriage in which two men exchange their daughters or sisters in marriage without giving a dowry. This marriage is done with the agreement that each man will marry the woman who is exchanged.

Example: Two men agree to marry their daughters to each other without giving a dowry. This marriage is done with the aim of avoiding the cost of a dowry.

Reasons for prohibition: Shighar marriage is considered unfair and degrading to women. Islam teaches that mahr is a woman's right that must be given by the husband as a sign of respect and commitment. Shighar marriage can also cause injustice and unhappiness in marriage.

3. Muhallil's Marriage

Definition: A muhallil marriage is a marriage that is carried out with the aim of re-marrying a woman who has been divorced three times by her husband. In Islam, a woman who has been divorced three times by her husband cannot remarry the husband except after marrying another man and legally divorcing him.

Example: A man marries a woman who has been divorced three times by her husband with the intention of divorcing her after some time, so that the woman can remarry her first husband.

Reasons for prohibition: Muhallil marriage is considered a manipulation of Islamic law and is not in accordance with the principles of justice and honesty. This marriage can also damage the social and moral order in society.

Tips for building a happy family
  1. Good communication: Communication is key to building a harmonious relationship. Always talk honestly and openly with your partner about your feelings, expectations, and problems. Empathetic listening is also very important to understand your partner's perspective.

  2. Respect each other: Respecting your partner is the foundation of a healthy relationship. Appreciate each other's differences and uniqueness, and provide support in every situation. Respect also means not putting down or hurting your partner's feelings.

  3. Quality time: Take time to do fun activities together and build togetherness. Quality time can strengthen emotional bonds and create beautiful memories together.

  4. Cooperation in facing problems: Every family must face problems and challenges. Face the problems together by working together and supporting each other. Do not blame each other, but find the best solution for the common good.

  5. Prayer and worship together: Prayer and worship together can strengthen spiritual ties in the family. Pray together for the goodness and happiness of the family, and carry out worship with full sincerity.

  6. Education and parenting: Education and parenting is a shared responsibility. Provide good education and teach moral and religious values to children. Be a good role model for them.

  7. Work-family balance: Maintain a balance between work and family. Don't let work interfere with family time and attention. Take time to rest and relax with your family.

  8. Give each other appreciation: Giving appreciation and praise to your partner can increase self-confidence and happiness. Appreciate every effort and contribution made by your partner in the family.

  9. Manage finances wisely: Finance is one of the important aspects in a family. Manage finances wisely and transparently. Create a financial plan together and avoid unnecessary debt.

  10. Show affection: Affection is the foundation of a happy family. Show affection with real actions, such as hugs, kisses, and gentle words. Affection can create a warm and harmonious atmosphere in the family.
