Chickens are one of the most commonly kept livestock throughout the world.

  25 September 2024 01:45 - Chicken is one of the most common livestock kept worldwide. In addition to being a source of protein through meat and eggs, chicken is also often kept as an ornamental animal or for competition purposes. Each type of chicken has different characteristics and care needs. Understanding the types of chicken and how to care for them properly is very important to ensure the health and productivity of the chicken.

There are various types of chickens known, ranging from meat chickens, laying hens, to ornamental chickens. Meat chickens are usually raised for their meat, while laying hens are raised for egg production. Ornamental chickens, on the other hand, are raised for the beauty of their feathers and body shape. Each type of chicken requires special care that suits its characteristics and needs.

Caring for chickens properly involves several important aspects, such as providing proper feed, maintaining a clean cage, and ensuring the health of the chickens through vaccination and regular check-ups. With proper care, chickens can grow healthy and productive, providing maximum benefits to their owners. The following is an explanation of the various types of chickens and how to care for them properly.

1. Broiler Chicken (Meat)

Broiler chickens are a type of chicken that is raised specifically for its meat. This chicken is known for its fast growth and tender meat. Broiler chickens are usually harvested at 5-7 weeks of age.

How to Care:

- Feed: Provide feed rich in protein and energy to support rapid growth. Commercial feed specifically for broilers usually already contains the necessary nutrients.

- Cage: Make sure the cage has good ventilation and enough space to move around. Keep the cage clean by regularly cleaning the droppings and changing the cage bedding.

- Health: Vaccinate according to schedule and check the health of the chickens regularly. Immediately separate sick chickens to prevent the spread of disease.

2. Laying Hens

Layers are a type of chicken that is raised for egg production. They usually start laying eggs at 18-20 weeks of age and can continue to lay eggs for up to 72 weeks or more.

How to Care:

- Feed: Provide feed rich in calcium and protein to support egg production. Commercial feed specifically for laying hens usually already contains the necessary nutrients.

- Cage: Make sure the cage has a comfortable and clean place to lay eggs. Keep the cage clean by regularly cleaning the dirt and changing the cage bedding.

- Health: Vaccinate according to schedule and check the health of the chickens regularly. Immediately separate sick chickens to prevent the spread of disease.

3. Free Range Chicken

Kampung chicken is a type of local chicken that is usually raised traditionally. This chicken is known for its chewier meat and tastier taste compared to broiler chicken.

How to Care:

- Feed: Provide natural feed such as bran, corn, and household leftovers. Free-range chickens can also find their own food around the cage.

- Cage: Make sure the cage has good ventilation and enough space to move around. Keep the cage clean by regularly cleaning the droppings and changing the cage bedding.

- Health: Vaccinate according to schedule and check the health of the chickens regularly. Immediately separate sick chickens to prevent the spread of disease.

4. Bangkok Chicken

Bangkok Chicken is a type of fighting chicken known for its strength and toughness. This chicken is often kept for cockfighting competitions.

How to Care:

- Feed: Provide feed rich in protein and energy to support strength and stamina. Commercial feed specifically for fighting cocks usually already contains the necessary nutrients.

- Cage: Make sure the cage has good ventilation and enough space to move around. Keep the cage clean by regularly cleaning the droppings and changing the cage bedding.

- Health: Vaccinate according to schedule and check the health of the chickens regularly. Immediately separate sick chickens to prevent the spread of disease.

5. Ornamental Chicken

Ornamental chickens are a type of chicken that is kept because of the beauty of its feathers and body shape. Some examples of ornamental chickens are Serama Chicken, Poland Chicken, and Onagadori Chicken.

How to Care:

- Feed: Provide a balanced and nutrient-rich feed to support healthy and beautiful feathers. Commercial feed specifically for ornamental chickens usually already contains the necessary nutrients.

- Cage: Make sure the cage has good ventilation and enough space to move around. Keep the cage clean by regularly cleaning the droppings and changing the cage bedding.

- Health: Vaccinate according to schedule and check the health of the chickens regularly. Immediately separate sick chickens to prevent the spread of disease.

Caring for chickens properly and correctly requires attention to several important aspects, such as providing proper feed, maintaining a clean cage, and ensuring the health of the chickens through vaccination and regular check-ups. With proper care, chickens can grow healthy and productive, providing maximum benefits to their owners. Hopefully, this explanation of the various types of chickens and how to care for them can be a useful reference for anyone who wants to raise chickens.
