This song was released in 2015.

  25 September 2024 01:05 - The song Catatanku was sung by Melly Goeslaw in collaboration with Baim. This song was released in 2015 and became one of the songs that stirred emotions from Melly, who is known as one of the famous musicians and songwriters in Indonesia.

Catatanku tells about self-reflection, past memories, and deep feelings for someone. The lyrics are full of nostalgia and love, delivered with touching vocal harmonies from Melly and Baim. Both of them managed to convey strong emotions through this song, with a soft and melancholic musical nuance.

Lyrics of the song My Notes by Melly Goeslaw feat Baim

The clouds are turning black
The sky collapses the world
When I knew my end had come

Why is everyone crying?
Even though I always smile
Wipe your tears
I don't want any sadness

Birds convey a sad tone
The wind blows away the sadness
Pick up happiness on your day
Give him life

God, whatever you want
I follow Your will, Lord
I wrote down all my stories
In my daily
