Boxing is a sport that not only relies on physical strength, but also technique and strategy.

  25 September 2024 02:45 - Boxing is a sport that relies not only on physical strength, but also on technique and strategy. For beginners, understanding various boxing styles is essential to develop skills and find the style that best suits personal characteristics. Each boxing style has its own uniqueness and advantages, and requires special techniques and training.

Getting started with boxing can be daunting, especially if you are not familiar with the various styles and techniques available. However, with the right guidance and consistent practice, anyone can master the basics of boxing and gradually improve their skills. In addition, boxing also offers many benefits, such as improving physical fitness, sharpening reflexes, and building self-confidence.

Here is an explanation of the various boxing styles for beginners, along with easy-to-understand tips. Each style is explained with relevant examples and practical tips to help beginners start training with more confidence.

1. Orthodox stance

Definition: Orthodox stance is the most common boxing style used, where the boxer stands with the left foot in front and the right foot behind. The left hand is used for jabs, while the right hand is used for power punches such as crosses and hooks.


- Foot position: Make sure the left foot is in front and the right foot is behind with a comfortable distance. Maintain body balance by bending the knees slightly.

- Hand position: Raise your left hand parallel to your shoulder to jab, and your right hand near your chin to protect your face.

- Movement: Practice basic movements such as jabs, crosses, and hooks with a focus on speed and accuracy. Don't forget to always maintain the position of your hands and feet.

2. Southpaw stance

Definition: Southpaw stance is a boxing style used by left-handed boxers, where the right foot is in front and the left foot is behind. The right hand is used for jabs, while the left hand is used for power punches.


- Foot position: Make sure the right foot is in front and the left foot is behind at a comfortable distance. Maintain body balance by bending the knees slightly.

- Hand position: Raise your right hand parallel to your shoulder to jab, and your left hand near your chin to protect your face.

- Movement: Practice basic movements such as jabs, crosses, and hooks with a focus on speed and accuracy. Don't forget to always maintain the position of your hands and feet.

3. Peek-a-Boo style

Definition: Peek-a-Boo style is a boxing style developed by legendary trainer Cus D'Amato. This style is known for its high hand position to protect the face and quick head movements to avoid opponent's punches.


- Hand position: Raise both hands in front of your face with your elbows close to your body. Keep your hands high to protect your face.

- Head movements: Practice head movements such as slips, bobs, and weaves to avoid opponent's punches. These movements also help in maintaining body balance.

- Attack: Use a combination of quick punches such as jabs, crosses, and uppercuts to attack your opponent. Focus on speed and accuracy.

4. Counterpuncher style

Definition: Counterpuncher style is a boxing style that focuses on waiting for the opponent's attack and then counterattacking. Boxers with this style usually have fast reflexes and the ability to read the opponent's movements.


- Hand position: Keep your hands near your chin to protect your face. Keep your hands ready to counter quickly.

- Movement: Practice defensive movements such as slip, bob, and weave to avoid opponent's punches. These movements also help in maintaining body balance.

- Counterattack: Use a combination of quick punches such as jabs, crosses, and hooks to counterattack. Focus on speed and accuracy.

5. Swarmer style

Definition: Swarmer style is a boxing style that focuses on attacking the opponent with a series of attacks. Boxers with this style usually have high stamina and the ability to keep pressuring the opponent.


- Hand position: Keep your hands near your chin to protect your face. Prepare your hands for a flurry of attacks.

- Movement: Practice quick forward and backward movements to keep pressure on your opponent. This movement also helps in maintaining body balance.

- Attack: Use a combination of quick punches such as jabs, crosses, hooks, and uppercuts to attack your opponent. Focus on speed and accuracy.

General tips for beginners in boxing
  1. Practice regularly: Consistency is key in boxing. Practice basic moves every day to build skill and confidence.
  2. Physical fitness: Maintain physical fitness by doing cardio and strength training. Good fitness will help in maintaining stamina and performance during the match.
  3. Correct technique: Focus on correct technique in every movement. Good technique will help in avoiding injury and increase the effectiveness of the attack.
  4. Sparring: Spar with a friend or coach to hone your skills and strategies. Sparring also helps in understanding the dynamics of a real fight.
  5. Healthy diet: Maintain a healthy and balanced diet to support your training and recovery. Good nutrition will help maintain energy and performance.
