
How could you think of cultivating lobsters in your room? I'm confused, where would you sleep?

  16 Agustus 2024 07:45

Brilio.net - Being a boarding house owner is not easy. Sometimes you have to face various problems, from tenants who are late in paying to unexpected damage to facilities. However, the experience shared by a boarding house manager is quite surprising. He, as a boarding house manager, was left speechless.

Recently viral on social media shows a female boarding house owner raiding one of the tenant's rooms. The incident that occurred in Malang, East Java, shocked the boarding house owner to see the contents of her room.

In a video uploaded to the Tiktok account @griyakosbuernahuda, the unnamed boarding house owner initially felt something was wrong after the room's occupants had not paid the rent for the past two months. Suspicions grew stronger when an unpleasant odor began to be smelled from the room.

"The story is about a boarding house child who is two months in arrears. After two months of arrears, according to the SOP, according to the agreement in the group, we will open the room," said the video uploader as reported by brilio.net from TikTok @griyakosbuernahuda, Thursday (15/8).

"I have tried to contact the room occupants several times, but there was no response. I suspect something is wrong, especially with the unusual smell coming from inside the room," he continued.

Boarding house owner searches tenant's room  TikTok

Boarding house owner searches tenant's room

Before entering the room, the boarding house owner wearing a blue shirt had prepared by wearing a double mask and gloves. This was to anticipate the presence of dead rats because it had been unoccupied for two months.

Boarding house owner searches tenant's room  TikTok

Boarding house owner searches tenant's room

When the bedroom door opened, the sight that appeared was truly shocking. Instead of the usual bedroom furniture, there was a freshwater lobster cultivation setup. A rectangular tarpaulin with a PVC pipe frame became the center of attention in the room.

Inside the tarpaulin, there were apparently many lobsters of quite large size. Some of the lobsters were still alive and some were dead. While a foam mattress was seen standing near the wall.

Boarding house owner searches tenant's room  TikTok

Boarding house owner searches tenant's room

Some of the dead lobsters, their carcasses have been infested with maggots. This is thought to be the source of the stench in the room.

The boarding house owner immediately dismantled the lobster cultivation pond. Then mopped and cleaned the room.

After being uploaded, the video immediately went viral and was watched more than 1.8 million times. Various reactions from netizens also filled the comments column. Not a few were surprised by the actions of the boarding house tenant.

"How come you thought of making a lobster farming pond in your boarding room?" said @sulthanbaharuddien

"Can the boarding house be used as livestock and then where does he sleep?" commented @viviarta


"Is the lobster equivalent to 2 months of boarding money, bro, lol," joked @farrel.frous

@griyakosbuernahuda Raid Rooms That Are 2 Months in Arrears because according to the regulations 2 months in arrears without confirmation will automatically kick you out #griyakos #girls' boarding house #girls' boarding house Malang #boarding house #boarding house check #griyakosbuerna original sound - gryakosbuernahuda
