foto: TikTok/@eviejaviera - Some say that bad days are not on the calendar. You will never know when you will experience a disaster or disaster. Starting from small disasters to large disasters, but sometimes there is one figure who is ready to help you get through the disaster. As experienced by one of the following expedition truck drivers. He had a father who was willing to sacrifice and help him when he was in trouble.
Reported by from the TikTok account @eviejaviera on Monday (6/5), the account owner captured the moment where the father helped his son who was experiencing a disaster while at work. Seen in the video, the child named Ryan hit a PLN transformer on the side of the road while avoiding a bus which resulted in the truck overturning even though it was loading motorbikes in new condition which would be sent to the destination dealer. It is known from Evie's upload that the accident occurred on Friday at 02.20 in the morning in Rambipuji, Jember.
photo: TikTok/@eviejaviera
In the video, his father, Bambang, can be seen ensuring that Ryan's condition is fine after what happened to him. The truck he was driving was damaged at the front and some of the motorbikes being transported had to be replaced due to damage to body parts due to falling while on the truck. Working in the same area as his son, when towing the car, Bambang ensured that the motorbike was still safe to minimize the losses he had to pay.
photo: TikTok/@eviejaviera
Bambang came to the scene after he was contacted by Ryan. He was seen in the video wearing a black shirt with red stripes on the collar and sides of the shirt. The accident experienced by Ryan, who is still 20 years old, makes Bambang fully responsible for this disaster. The police have also determined that this incident was due to driver negligence and was a single accident. So the truck had to be ticketed and Bambang had to go to the police station, which was then followed by Ryan after he had taken a break to sleep at the Sumberbaru Pom.
It is known from Evie's Instagram Stories that the road that Ryan has to take is approximately 10 minutes to the destination dealer. PLN, which suffered losses, also detained Ryan and Bambang because PLN did not want to make peace or provide relief. This made Bambang resigned to his condition and if asked to compensate him, he would prefer to resign and be prosecuted legally because he did not have the money to pay for the losses.
photo: Instagram/@evie.javiera
The account owner also included details of the losses that had to be paid by them which were estimated at more than IDR 100 million, starting from damage to trucks, compensation for motorbikes that were broken and scratched, house fences that were hit, and PLN transformers that suffered losses of around IDR 80 million. This 1 minute 10 second upload has been watched 5.7 million times and received 7900 comments from netizens. Apart from that, the account owner also opened a donation to help Pak Bambang and Ryan to compensate for the losses.
" O Allah, I hope everything goes smoothly for Pak Bambang and Ryan. I'm sorry about the disaster they've experienced, " said the account @retnoroemli
" I can only help by praying that Mr. Bambang and his family will be given health, patience, sincerity and that the problem will be resolved quickly, " said the account @gheanayyara21
" No one can go to jail, especially if the father doesn't know anything, please open donations, " said the account @tiaranannda
" Why are small people's exams MasyaAllah so hard, " commented the account @nrklfh27
" I really want to help but I can't give much, at most 10-20k because I'm still a student, " responded the account @caxxntprfct