foto: TikTok/@winamaman_hd

Who would have thought that such a small child could pour out his heart and make those around him emotional.

  12 Mei 2024 10:00 - A child is sometimes considered someone who doesn't know anything. Apart from that, children are sometimes underestimated because they don't know enough to convey stories, let alone opinions.

However, small children are innocent figures, when they tell anything, they say it as it is. The honesty that comes sometimes makes you touched. especially when it comes to family matters.

Recently a video shared on TikTok was flooded with netizens' attention. The reason is that the upload tells of an elementary school child who has deep feelings for his family.

Instead of telling the story directly, the child expressed his heart through a school assignment he wrote in a notebook. Reported by from the TikTok account @winamaman_hd, Saturday (11/5), here is the complete story.

Elementary school children's stories about their families TikTok

Elementary school children's stories about their families

Initially, the owner of the video, who is the mother of an elementary school student, wanted to check the child's notebook. When she opened it, the mother found a piece of writing which was a school assignment. The task asks the child to create a story about his family.

However, it turns out that this school assignment was not just done by the child, but was written wholeheartedly. How could it not be, this assignment which tells about family succeeded in making the mother cry when she read it.

This is because the 2nd grade elementary school boy wrote about his father figure. Coincidentally, he also had the task of explaining what he knew about his father and mother.

Neatly, this elementary school boy gave the answer.

"My father loves me very much. My mother always looks after me and takes care of me," he answered.

Elementary school children's stories about their families TikTok

Elementary school children's stories about their families

In the next question, this boy named Ifat Al-Fayyadh was asked to explain the jobs of his parents. He also gave answers so honestly that they could make anyone who read them cry.

"My father has died and my mother's job is: Housewife," he answered.

Furthermore, he was also asked by the teacher to tell about the figure of his father and mother.

"My father is very good. My mother takes care of me, calms me when I'm sad," answered Ifat.

At this point, the child's story is so touching. The mother also discovered Ifat's second task. In this assignment, he was asked to tell about the experiences he had with his father, mother and family at home. It was explained that this assignment was written in the Pancasila Education book.

Elementary school children's stories about their families TikTok

Elementary school children's stories about their families

"I live with my father, mother, sister and grandmother. I am very happy every day. My father always wakes me up for morning prayers and teaches me to recite the Koran," wrote Ifat in his own hand so neatly.

"But not anymore. My father has left me. Every day I am always sad because I lost my father," he continued.

Reading the answers to her child's school assignment, this woman was very moved. He then gave strength and enthusiasm to the child to face the trials of losing his father figure since childhood.

"Be strong, son, Mom is always there for you ," he wrote in the video caption.

The emotional story of an elementary school boy writing a school assignment about his family immediately caught the attention of the wider community. Various comments containing prayers and support flooded the upload.

"O Allah, my brother and mother are always healthy, I hope they will always be protected by Allah SWT," wrote @lagilagiaku11 praying.

"The spirit of continuing to learn is a great child Becoming a pious child, the pride of father and mother '," said the account @rahma.vashel.

"The writing is neat, and written with honest feelings. Hopefully one day I will become a great writer, son," said the account @serba2polos.

"Cheer up, one day you and your sister will be successful and strong children who can protect and make your mother, late father and grandmother happy," said the account @1tmeh.
