Your gas stove burner often has black crust? Try this quick way without having to soak it in water. SEE MORE...
No need to pour hot water, this is how to remove black crust on the stovetop so it looks as dry as new.
With just 1 kitchen ingredient, here's how to clean food stains on the stove or table to make it shiny.
The way to descale a stove only relies on these 2 kitchen ingredients which are effective in making it shine
Just soak it for 30 minutes, this is an effective trick for cleaning a crusty stove stove using only 3 kitchen ingredients
You only need a capital of Rp.7,000, the way to overcome the gas stove sounding "blup" is not complicated
Instead of using soap, this is a trick for cleaning stubborn oil stains on the stove with just 1 type of fruit
Without vinegar and hot water, here's a trick for cleaning a crusty and grease-filled stove using 3 ingredients
The trick for cleaning burnt & black gas stove burners so that the flame stays blue, rely on these 3 kitchen ingredients
Without soaking in hot water, the way you get rid of limescale stains on your stove is just by adding 1 kitchen ingredient
[QUIZ] Is the way you clean your gas stove safe? Test your knowledge with these 5 questions
This woman has a trick to get rid of limescale stains on the stove without soaking in hot water, using only 3 kitchen ingredients
Without soaking it overnight, here's how to clean a crusty and slippery stove coaster using 3 kitchen ingredients
So the cause of the frying pan burning quickly, this is a trick to change the red stove flame so it turns blue again
The scale disappears in an instant, here's a trick for cleaning the gas stove burner so that its color returns to yellow
Don't soak it in hot water, this is a trick for cleaning scale and grease on the stove stove using only 2 kitchen ingredients
Don't immediately replace it with a new one, this trick for cleaning burnt crust on the stove burner will make cooking run more smoothly
No need to douse it with vinegar, here's a trick for cleaning black scale on stove burners using just 1 simple ingredient
Capital IDR 3,000, here's how to get rid of burnt crust on the stove mat so it shines using 2 kitchen ingredients
Stop before you regret it, it turns out that putting this kitchen ingredient near the stove will cause you harm
No need to buy a new one, here's a trick to repair a broken stove burner so that the fire burns again using 1 type of waste
Without brushing hard, this is a trick for cleaning black crusty burners and stove tops, just add 2 kitchen ingredients
Without soaking it in citrus, this is how to clean a black crusty stove burner so that it turns yellow like new
Without soaking in vinegar and baking soda, here's a trick to get rid of limescale on the stove using 1 kitchen ingredient
No need to replace the regulator, this is a trick to overcome small stove fires, just use 1 kitchen ingredient
Without sprinkling it with baking soda, here's a trick for cleaning black crust on stove burners using just 1 simple ingredient
Without citrus, here's a trick for cleaning burnt crust on the stove so it shines using only 3 kitchen ingredients
Without citrus, this is how to clean scale and fat on the stove burner funnel using 3 simple ingredients
Without citrus, here's how to clean the black crust on your stove burner so it shines again using 3 kitchen ingredients
The definition of an unlucky day is not on the calendar, the unlucky moment when a woman is cooking when the stove explodes causes panic
No need to soak in hot water, my mother's way of cleaning rust on the stove stove requires only 2 kitchen ingredients
Don't soak it in hot water, the trick for gentlemen to clean stove stove scale is just add 2 kitchen ingredients
Don't wipe it with a tissue, this is how to clean oil spills on the stove so that it gets rough even without dusting it with flour
No need to soak in hot water, here's a trick to remove limescale from the stove using only 3 kitchen ingredients
Instead of soaking it in water, this young mother's trick for cleaning limescale on the stove burner only uses 3 simple ingredients
Instead of rubbing it with citrus, this is an easy way to remove burnt crust on the stove using 1 kitchen ingredient
No need to soak it in hot water, this way to get rid of rust and thick crust on the stove burner uses 3 kitchen ingredients
Without baking soda, here's a trick for cleaning oil and mold stains on the stove, just add 1 kitchen ingredient
Without soaking it in hot water, here's how to clean an oily and crusty stove coaster using 3 kitchen ingredients
No need to soak in hot water, this is a trick to get rid of limescale stains on the stovetop using just 2 kitchen ingredients
Instead of rubbing it with lime, this is a trick to get rid of oil stains on the stove so they're rough using just 2 kitchen ingredients
Without soaking in hot water, here's how to remove limescale from your stove so it's rough and clean in 15 minutes
Instead of rubbing it with citrus, this is an effective way to get rid of burnt crust on the stove using 3 kitchen ingredients
No need to mix special ingredients, here's how to clean a greasy stove using just 1 kitchen ingredient
Without soaking in hot water, here's a trick for cleaning scale on the stovetop using 2 kitchen ingredients
No need to replace the regulator, this is an easy trick to overcome a gas stove flame that is too small using 1 kitchen ingredient
Without soaking it in hot water, here's a trick for cleaning a stove with a thick crust using just 2 kitchen ingredients
Just use 1 piece of kitchen dregs, this mother's trick to get rid of oil stains on the stove is effective in making it rough