foto: Instagram/@raffinagita1717

This news started with Rafathar, who allegedly let slip that his mother was pregnant.

  16 Juli 2024 12:20 - Even though they have two sons, Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina still want to have more children. Raffi said this when celebrating his birthday with his wife. This hope seems to be coming true, because recently there has been strong news circulating that Nagita Slavina is pregnant with her third child.

This news started with a statement from their eldest son , Rafathar Malik Ahmad. At that time, they were visiting their relative's house in Bandung, West Java. The child, who is only 8 years old, is suspected of accidentally revealing his mother's pregnancy.

nagita slavina pregnant  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@raffinagita1717

"Later, mom will be pregnant too, pregnant, right?" he said briefly while stroking Nagita Slavina's stomach. Reporting from on Tuesday (16/7).

Responding to this, Irfan Hakim then wanted to confirm the news of Nagita's pregnancy. In the latest episode of FYP, Irfan Hakim contacted Raffi Ahmad via telephone. The content of the conversation was to ask for clarification regarding the pregnancy issue of Sultan Andara's wife.

However, it seems that the famous presenter does not want to answer clearly. He seemed careful in responding to questions asked by his colleague. He only asked Irfan Hakim for prayers.

nagita slavina pregnant  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@raffinagita1717

"Pray, pray," said Raffi Ahmad.

"This is said to be the result of prayers and efforts during yesterday's Hajj, right?" asked Irfan Hakim.

"Yes, we're trying, we're praying, we'll talk about it later when we don't go live," Raffi answered again.

Of course not satisfied with Raffi's answer, Irham Hakim is still trying to dig up information. He even asked whether the woman often known as Mama Gigi was craving it? Raffi Ahmad again tried to avoid answering the question.

"Yes... now... that's enough later." added Raffi.

nagita slavina pregnant  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@raffinagita1717

As previously mentioned, Raffi Ahmad has openly expressed his desire to have more children. He even specifically mentioned the gender of the expected third child. Because he previously had two sons, Raffi really dreamed of having a daughter.

"I really want to (have a girl), this year I'm trying to go in that direction," he said when he was a guest star on the MOP Channel YouTube channel hosted by Ruben Onsu, quoted on April 3 2024.

However, Raffi admitted that he was not running a special program so that his child would be female in the future. He just wants something natural.

"Yes or not (the pregnancy program for girls), so far it's still natural. It's just that now it's not so busy, yesterday they were both busy, I met him and he was already asleep," said Raffi.
