Just like dirty hair that needs to be washed with shampoo, combs also need to be kept clean by washing them. SEE MORE...
Just check, these ladies have a trick to remove yellow stains and mold from clothes using 1 kitchen spice
Without rubbing with sandpaper, this is how to remove rust stains from keys using only 2 kitchen ingredients
Using 1 kitchen ingredient, this is a trick to eradicate black mold on the walls of your house so they are clean without damaging the paint
Without using vinegar, this is how to remove rust stains from the fence so it shines again using only 2 kitchen ingredients
Without brushing, how to clean a dull wooden table so it shines like new using 1 kitchen ingredient
Without baking soda, this is an effective way to clean stubborn crust on the bathroom floor, plus 1 kitchen ingredient
Without needing to brush, this is a practical way to get rid of mold stains on pillows, just add 1 kitchen ingredient
Instead of rubbing it with sandpaper, this is an effective trick for sharpening dull scissors using only 1 kitchen tool
No need to dismantle it, this woman's way of cleaning the washing machine is effective, so it shines with just 1 kitchen ingredient
No need to buy a new one, this is a trick to sharpen and remove rust stains from razors plus 1 kitchen ingredient
Instead of rubbing with soap, this is a trick for cleaning black oil stains that stick to your hands, relying on 1 kitchen ingredient
Without using thinner, this is a way to remove used wall wallpaper glue without any residue, relying on 3 kitchen ingredients
Don't wash it with water, the trick for you is to get rid of limescale on the socket switch so it shines using 1 kitchen ingredient
Without rubbing it with citrus, this is an effective way to remove turmeric stains from clothes, just add 1 kitchen ingredient
Instead of soaking it in vinegar, this is a trick for cleaning rusty knives using only 1 kitchen ingredient
No need for baking soda, here's how to remove yellow crust on the bathroom floor, just add 1 kitchen ingredient
Without soaking it overnight, here's a trick for washing a mop so it doesn't smell fishy, just rely on 3 kitchen ingredients
Instead of using detergent, this woman's trick for washing rough towels makes them soft again using only 3 kitchen ingredients
Instead of applying eucalyptus oil, this is a trick for cleaning sticker glue marks on helmets using 1 cooking ingredient
Without brushing hard, this housewife has a way to get rid of limescale stains on the ladle by simply adding 1 kitchen ingredient
No need to make traps, here's a practical way to get rid of cockroaches naturally using just 2 kitchen ingredients
Just add 1 kitchen ingredient, this is a trick for cleaning a rusty motorbike chain so that it returns to a long-lasting shine
Instead of smearing it with eucalyptus oil, this is a way to remove mold stains from leather bags using only 1 kitchen ingredient
Instead of spraying with soap solution, this is an effective way to get rid of termites on wooden furniture, just add 1 kitchen spice
Without soaking, this trick for mothers to clean dirty sandals will automatically shine, just add 1 kitchen ingredient.
No need to use traps, this is an effective trick to get rid of lizards using only 2 kitchen ingredients
Instead of sanding, this is a trick to remove rust stains from keys, just soak them using 3 kitchen ingredients
No need to replace it with a new one, here's a trick to fix a loose zipper tip, just use 1 kitchen tool
Not just using vinegar, this effective trick for cleaning rusty keys makes them shiny and adds 1 kitchen ingredient
Instead of using scissors, this is how to fix a loose bag zipper using only 1 kitchen tool
Without applying brake fluid, here's a trick for removing car scratches using 1 kitchen ingredient
Capital IDR 3,000, this is how to sharpen old, dull scissors, just add 1 kitchen ingredient
Without spraying poison, this is an effective trick to get rid of cockroaches using only 2 kitchen ingredients
Instead of soaking it overnight, this is how to clean a dirty mop so it's white again using 3 kitchen ingredients
The weather is hot, here's a trick to make a fan as cool as an AC, relying on the help of 1 piece of kitchen waste
Instead of brushing it first, this is a trick to make a dull razor sharper and last longer with just 1 kitchen ingredient
You don't need to rub a stone, this is how to sharpen blunt scissors, just use 1 kitchen scrap
Without sanding, your trick for removing rust stains from your keys is to only rely on 1 kitchen ingredient
Without rubbing it with bleach, here's how to clean worn, dirty flip-flops so they shine and add 2 kitchen ingredients
Instead of rubbing it on cardboard, this is an easy trick to sharpen blunt scissors using just 1 piece of kitchen waste
Instead of drying it with a hairdryer, here's how to deal with a cellphone getting water in it using 1 food ingredient
Instead of using a broom, this is a way to get rid of spiders and prevent them from nesting again, you only need 1 kitchen ingredient
Without scrubbing, this is a quick way to clean the crust and moss on the wooden door, just add 1 kitchen ingredient
Instead of rubbing with detergent, this is an effective trick to remove oil stains on the veil using 2 kitchen ingredients
Instead of soaking it in citrus, this is how to remove turmeric stains from white clothes using 2 additional kitchen ingredients
No need to mix special ingredients, here's a trick to get rid of limescale on the bathroom floor, just add 1 kitchen ingredient