Facebook/@Fitri Rahmawati

Creating the perfect environment for fungi and bacteria to thrive.

  26 September 2024 11:00

Dirty and moldy pillows can be a source of serious health problems. When pillows are not properly cared for, dirt, sweat, and dead skin cells can build up. Not only can this cause an unpleasant odor, but it also creates the perfect environment for mold and bacteria to thrive. Another impact is that dirty pillows have the potential to cause allergies and respiratory problems for users, especially those with sensitivities or asthma.

In addition to health issues, dirty and moldy pillows also affect sleep quality. Fungus and bacteria that grow on pillows can cause skin irritation and itching, making sleep uncomfortable. This discomfort can disrupt sleep patterns, which ultimately have a negative impact on health.

To prevent pillows from becoming dirty and moldy, regular maintenance is essential. Pillows should be washed regularly and dried regularly. However, if they are already dirty and moldy, these pillows must be washed with a special method.

Luckily, a Facebook user, Fitri Rahmawati, once shared a way to wash dirty and moldy pillows. Through one of the Reels videos she uploaded, she admitted that she did not use harsh bleach. However, the Facebook user instead relied on three simple ingredients found in the kitchen.

As reported by BrilioFood from Facebook Fitri Rahmawati on Thursday (26/9), the kitchen ingredients in question are baking soda, vinegar, and salt soap. A number of these ingredients are then mixed with dishwashing soap so that the cleaning power is maximized.

