When oil stains are not treated immediately, the oil settles and penetrates the fabric layers, making it more difficult to remove. SEE MORE...
Tricks to make your home floor look and smell good for up to 2 weeks using 2 kitchen ingredients, without making your hands sore
Trick to make the bathroom smell better, remove scale and moss in an instant using 2 kitchen ingredients
A simple way to make a lizard trap using 1 kitchen ingredient, the reptiles won't come back again
This trick for cleaning fish scales is practical without a knife or any other tools, it disappears immediately in one wipe.
No need for soap, here's how to mop the floor so it's clean, dry and odor-free using 1 kitchen ingredient
Frosted glass back to shiny new! Easy cleaning trick, just use 1 kitchen ingredient
Yellow and dirty ceramic floors? Here's an easy trick to clean them without brushing using 3 simple ingredients
Simple and effective, this is a trick to overcome a hissing stove regulator without having to go to a repairman.
A simple trick to fix loose refrigerator door rubber without having to dismantle it, just use 2 kitchen ingredients
Easy way to make a mouse trap with 2 kitchen wastes
This kitchen dregs is effective in eliminating stubborn stains and odors in the sink, making it shiny without leaving a trace.
Often makes dirty water, this is how to keep your shower clean, free of scale, & moss using 2 kitchen ingredients
No need for citric acid or bleach, here's how to get rid of sweat stains on white shirt collars so they're bright and don't fade.
The floor still smells fishy after mopping? Here's a trick to get rid of it so it smells better and is dry.
It's not clean enough if you only use detergent. This method for washing mold stains on bed sheets requires 2 kitchen ingredients.
5 Ways to Clean a Burnt Iron Using Kitchen Ingredients, Remove Crust So It Can Function Normally
How to treat skin exposed to hot water without salt, rely on one tool
5 Secrets on How to Mop Floors to Make Them Shiny and Dry Using Kitchen Ingredients
The secret of banana peels to repel cockroaches, an easy way to make your home pest-free
Not with traps, this is a simple way to stop lizards from coming back with just 1 kitchen ingredient.
This easy way to bend banana leaves in large quantities means you don't have to worry about tearing them and the color stays green.
Tricks to remove oil from kitchen cloths, fast in just 15 minutes
Without rubbing it on cardboard, here's how to sharpen blunt scissors quickly using 1 piece of kitchen waste
5 Ways to Clean Rust Stains on Floors Using Kitchen Ingredients, One is Effective and Shines in 30 Minutes
Tricks to remove cracked stains on motorbike speedometer glass using 1 kitchen ingredient, no more oil needed
Tricks to get rid of black scale in the toilet instantly using 2 additional kitchen ingredients
Mother-in-law loves you more, here's a trick to wash white prayer robes so they're free of mold, it only takes 10 minutes
This mothers' trick for mopping the floor makes it dry immediately using only 1 additional kitchen ingredient
Simple trick to remove urine smell from mattress using only 1 kitchen ingredient
With just this 1 kitchen ingredient, your crusty and mossy ladle can be shiny like you just bought it.
The surefire way to get rid of the smell of urine in the bathroom is with 1 type of drink, smells like perfume
Trick to clean fan dust using 1 kitchen ingredient, clean in 15 minutes
This easy trick for washing rough towels makes the texture soft and the color brighter using 2 kitchen ingredients
Just add 1 kitchen ingredient, this is how to clean dirty glasses so they shine again without alcohol.
Tricks for mopping floors to make them dry and shiny, just using 1 kitchen ingredient
How to make rat poison using only 3 kitchen ingredients, natural and effective results
Without baking soda & vinegar mixture, here's a trick to clean the bottom of a black, burnt frying pan with just 2 kitchen ingredients.
With just 1 kitchen ingredient, a dirty sink can be shiny again in an instant.
How to clean a bathroom door with scale, shiny again using only 2 kitchen ingredients
White cap becomes dirty and yellow after wearing? Here's how to clean it to make it bright again without brushing
This woman shows another function of the washing machine part that makes work easier
This easy way to clean mold on car windows only uses 1 food ingredient
This dirty and oily mop can be white again like new using 3 kitchen ingredients.
Dirty chairs full of paint stains, here's how to clean them using just 2 kitchen ingredients
Safe tricks for mothers to throw broken glass into the trash, without using plastic
How to make a dull razor sharp again using just 1 kitchen ingredient
No need for bleach, this is an efficient trick to wash yellowed pillows so they are white again using 1 additional kitchen ingredient.