foto: YouTube/Serti Eko Yodis Tiana Putri - Raincoats that are often stored in damp conditions can become a nest for mold and cause black spots to appear on several parts. The habit of storing raincoats without drying them first, especially after being used in the rain, provides an ideal environment for mold to grow. In addition to reducing the appearance of the raincoat, these black spots can also damage the material, making the raincoat wear out faster and no longer effectively protect against water.
Mold that grows on raincoats is usually caused by moisture trapped on the surface of the material, especially in folds or areas with minimal ventilation. If left untreated, these black spots are difficult to remove and can cause an unpleasant musty odor. In addition, mold can also potentially cause skin irritation or allergic reactions for the user, especially if the raincoat is used for a long time.
However, this problem can actually be solved if the raincoat is washed properly. Luckily, a YouTube user Serti Eko Yodis Tiana Putri once shared a simple trick in washing a moldy raincoat. Through one of the videos uploaded, she claimed to be able to make the raincoat bright and safer to wear again.
As reported by from YouTube Serti Eko Yodis Tiana Putri on Friday (17/1), the materials needed to wash this raincoat are detergent and liquid bleach. If the raincoat is colored, you can use bleach that is safe for colored clothes. Then, to get maximum results, use hot water when washing this raincoat.
effective way to eradicate black spots fungus
YouTube/Serti Eko Yodis Tiana Putri
For a clearer process, pour hot water into a large enough bucket. After that, add powdered detergent and bleach. Then stir the two ingredients until they are completely mixed. If necessary, you can use a spatula or long tool to stir all the ingredients so that they dissolve.
effective way to eradicate black spots fungus
YouTube/Serti Eko Yodis Tiana Putri
Next, put the raincoat to be washed into the bucket. Press it again until all parts are completely submerged. While soaking, stir the raincoat again until the mold stains fade. In the video, YouTube user Serti Eko Yodis Tiana Putri stirs it until the water used to soak the raincoat turns black.
effective way to eradicate black spots fungus
YouTube/Serti Eko Yodis Tiana Putri
If necessary, you can add more hot water and bleach if you want to be more effective. After that, soak and let it sit until the water temperature starts to cool. Then lift it and scrub it using a brush. While brushing, you can add more bleach, then continue scrubbing until clean. If the mold is thick enough, you can scrub it quite hard.
Then if it feels clean and the fungus is gone, rinse it immediately using running water. Don't forget to dry it in the sun until it is completely dry. After drying, the raincoat will look brighter and shinier. That way, the raincoat can be used again.