foto: YouTube/taufiqsn - Having a white headset does look aesthetic, but unfortunately this color is also very easy to get dirty. Cables that were previously clean can turn dirty in just a few weeks of use. Stains that stick to the cable are not only aesthetically disturbing, but can also reduce the user's confidence.
Many people end up replacing their headsets just because the cable looks dirty. In fact, there is an easy way to clean it so it looks like new again.
YouTube account taufiqsn shares how to clean headset cables without water. Because, water is quite risky to short circuit the headset. The materials used are very simple and can be found in the kitchen.
photo: YouTube/taufiqsn
One of the kitchen ingredients that can be used to clean headset cables is dish soap. This ingredient is effective in removing stains that stick without damaging the surface of the cable. The method is easy, just pour a little dish soap on cotton, then rub it slowly on the dirty part of the cable.
photo: YouTube/taufiqsn
Not only dish soap, there are several other ingredients that can also be used to clean headset cables. Some of them are eucalyptus oil, toothpaste, and wet wipes. Each ingredient has its own advantages in removing stubborn stains on cables.
photo: YouTube/taufiqsn
To clean the cable with eucalyptus oil, the method is almost the same as using dish soap. Pour enough eucalyptus oil onto a cotton pad, then rub it on the headset cable. Rub in one direction so that the dirt is lifted maximally and the cable is not easily damaged.
photo: YouTube/taufiqsn
Meanwhile, toothpaste can also be another alternative to clean yellowed or dirty cables. Simply apply toothpaste to a cotton ball, then rub it gently along the cable. Don't rub it too hard so that the cable remains durable and does not break easily.
photo: YouTube/taufiqsn
Wet wipes can also be a practical option for cleaning headset cables. Wet wipes that are commonly used to clean gallon jugs or other household appliances can help remove stains on headset cables.
Simply rub the tissue on the dirty part until the stain is lifted. In addition, wet tissue makes the surface of the headset more dry.
By using these simple ingredients, the headset cable can be clean again without having to buy a new one. Cleaning regularly can also make the cable more durable and not easily damaged. In addition, good maintenance will prevent short circuits due to dirt that accumulates on the cable.