foto: YouTube/Oman Bertanya

Just use simple ingredients found in the kitchen to remove mold from the walls of your house.

  23 September 2024 11:00 - Mold on walls is a common problem faced by many homeowners, especially in areas with high humidity levels. Mold can grow on various surfaces, including walls, ceilings, and floors, and can cause structural damage and health problems.

Mold growth is usually caused by a combination of moisture, poor ventilation, and lack of sunlight. Early signs of mold include black or green stains, a musty odor, and walls that feel damp to the touch.

The negative impacts of mold on walls are very diverse, ranging from aesthetic damage to serious health risks. Mold can cause allergies, asthma, and respiratory infections, especially for individuals who have weak immune systems or sensitivity to mold spores. In addition, mold can also damage building structures by eroding building materials such as wood, plaster, and paint, which can ultimately reduce property values and increase repair costs.

To combat mold on walls, it is important to identify the source of the moisture and fix it. Preventative measures include repairing leaks, ensuring good ventilation, and using a dehumidifier to reduce humidity.

In addition, cleaning the mold-affected area with the right cleaning solution is also very important. To find out the right and safe cleaner, a YouTube user Oman Bertanya once revealed it further. Through one of the videos uploaded, he admitted to only using simple ingredients in the kitchen to remove mold on the walls of the house.

easy way to remove mold on house walls  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Oman Asks

As reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Oman Bertanya on Monday (23/9), the kitchen ingredient in question is vinegar . Well, this vinegar can be directly put into a spray bottle to make it easier to apply. Without mixing water again, spray this vinegar onto the surface of the wall that is full of mold.

easy way to remove mold on house walls  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Oman Asks

After that, rub it gently using a brush. Don't worry, according to YouTube user Oman Bertanya, wall paint that is still good and sturdy will not peel off immediately when brushed. Therefore, this trick is suitable for use on walls that still have good paint.

easy way to remove mold on house walls  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Oman Asks

Well, if it has been scrubbed, immediately wipe the wall using a wet cloth. After that, wring out the cloth, then use it again to wipe the wall that has faded from the mold. Do this process repeatedly until the wall is completely clean. Next, let it sit for a while until the wall dries on its own.

"This method is effective on walls that still have good quality wall paint and are still sturdy. So there is no need to repaint," said YouTube Oleh Bertanya.

But it should be noted that if you want to repaint a moldy wall, this method can still be done. That way, the new wall surface is not damp and easy for mold to appear again. As a result, the wall paint becomes more durable and dry.
