foto: YouTube/Pengacara Toni

From the start, Pegi Setiawan felt strange about Aep's testimony, he even admitted that he did not know Aep.

  10 Juli 2024 10:05 - After Pegi Setiawan was released and declared innocent, Aep's name is now in the public spotlight. This figure is said to be the key witness in the Vina Cirebon murder case .

Aep's testimony allegedly caused West Java (West Java) Police investigators to arrest and immediately name Pegi as a suspect.

Now that she is free, Pegi also shares many of her unique experiences during this time. He even bravely challenged Aep who was said to have given false testimony. In the video circulating on social media, Pegi arrested Aep to meet and explain the testimony he had given.

Reported by from Lawyer Toni's YouTube channel, Wednesday (10/7), Pegi and her attorney, Toni RM, discussed various false testimonies that were not proven by Pegi during the investigation.

Pegi Setiawan challenges AEP as key witness Vina Cirebon YouTube

Pegi Setiawan challenges AEP as key witness, Vina Cirebon
YouTube/Lawyer Toni

It is known that the testimony of Aep, who is a steam washing worker, was mentioned in the Investigation Report (BAP) of Iptu Rudiana, Eky's father. Aep admitted that he saw Pegi Setiawan on the night of the tragic incident that left Vina and Eky dead.

However, his statement was not proven and Pegi was finally free. Apart from that, Pegi Setiawan felt strange because he didn't know Aep at all.

"I don't know him at all," he said in Toni RM's YouTube video, Wednesday (10/7).

Pegi Setiawan challenges AEP as key witness, Vina Cirebon YouTube

Pegi Setiawan challenges AEP as key witness, Vina Cirebon
YouTube/Lawyer Toni

Together with Toni RM as his attorney, Pegi Setiawan also asked Aep to meet him immediately.

"Aep, if you're gentle, come meet me. We'll debate, set the time," challenged Pegi in the video.

"Don't corner people, don't kill people's good names, don't kill people's futures. If you're gentle, let's meet," added Pegi Setiawan.
