
The woman, who is known to be 22 years old, was laughed at because she wanted to be a coolie.

  16 September 2024 12:30

Sopyah , a girl from Indramayu, West Java, managed to attract public attention after her extraordinary life story went viral. In an effort to survive , Sopyah was forced to disguise herself as a man, from her clothes to her haircut, so that she could be accepted to work as a construction worker.

Sopyah did various hard jobs to support her family, including her younger brother named Samsul. Of course, it is not easy to be able to work as a construction worker. The woman who is known to be 22 years old was laughed at because she wanted to be a laborer. This is because she is a woman. That is what made Sopyah willing to change her appearance to look like a man.

Not only her struggle to support her family is in the spotlight. But Sopyah's residence also stole the public's attention. Her house looks simple, even built on a graveyard. Even so, the house is comfortable enough for Sopyah and her sister to live in. Curious about Sopyah's house? Take a peek at the portrait as summarized from various sources, Sunday (15/9).


Sopyah does not have to pay rent, but in return, Sopyah is required to clean the graves in the house.

TikTok/@Farida Nurhan
