foto: Instagram/@at.arahouse

This method can also be used to clean the stove body.

  7 Juli 2024 12:30

Even though it just looks like it's perched on top of the stove, the stove stove is very useful, you know. The reason is, the stove can keep the pan in a stable position when cooking. Imagine if you didn't have a stove, you would definitely have difficulty holding the pan while cooking, right?

Because it is located closest to the pan, the stove burner is often exposed to stains, such as water, oil, sauce or other cooking ingredients. If left untreated, these stains can dry out and turn into stubborn crusts . Not a few people have to soak the stove burner in hot water for a long time so that the scale stains are easy to clean.

However, this is different from the woman on the Instagram account @at.arahouse who has another, much more practical trick without hot water at all, you know. This netizen, familiarly known as Ajeng, said that the limescale stains on his stove had been left for a long time, but now they are clean again by using three kitchen ingredients.

" It seems like I've been using this stove for more than a year, I've only recently had it deep cleaned, usually I only clean it with stove cleaning fluid, as a result the burnt marks are still stuck, " he wrote in the Instagram video caption @at.arahouse, quoted by BrilioFood on Sunday (7/7).

Apart from the stove, the owner of the Instagram account @at.arahouse said that this cleaning trick can also be applied to other parts of the stove, such as the body and the burner.


Continue cleaning the stove and other parts of the stove that can be removed. The materials needed are the same as the previous process, namely dishwashing soap, vinegar and baking soda. First place the stove in a basin filled with water, then add enough vinegar and dish soap. Scrub the stove until all the limescale stains are gone. Finally, sprinkle the stove with baking soda to neutralize the acid, then rinse with clean water. A netizen named Ajeng then showed how much scale had managed to fall out of the stove. Not bad, huh?

