foto: Instagram/@rumah_shahia

This trick is also effective in removing stubborn deodorant stains.

  14 Agustus 2024 06:00

Outdoor activities often make the body sweat. Sweat is basically odorless, but when mixed with bacteria that live on the skin, especially in the armpit area, an unpleasant odor begins to form. When sweat soaks into the fabric fibers, bacteria are also carried and multiply, causing an odor that is difficult to remove.

Clothes that have an unpleasant odor are often washed directly with soap. Unfortunately, even though the clothes look clean, the odor left in the armpit area is often difficult to remove, even after washing . This odor is usually caused by a combination of sweat, bacteria, and deodorant residue that builds up in the fabric fibers.

Basically, it takes a special trick to remove the unpleasant odor in the armpits of clothes. An Instagram user @rumah_shahia once shared the trick through one of the videos uploaded. She admitted that she did not rely on detergent to wash clothes, but there are two kitchen ingredients that can help remove the unpleasant odor in the armpits of clothes.


After letting it sit, rinse immediately and wash again with detergent as usual. Finally, hang the clothes up to dry completely. That way, the clothes are not only clean, but also free from the unpleasant odor that often sticks to the armpits. Basically, vinegar and baking soda are two natural ingredients that are very effective in removing unpleasant odors in the armpits of clothes because of their strong chemical and cleaning properties. Vinegar has acidic properties that make it able to fight odor-causing bacteria. On the other hand, baking soda neutralizes the acid produced by sweat and bacteria, thereby eliminating unpleasant odors.

