foto; Instagram/@harisusanto4121

These two ingredients are an effective combination for removing ink stains from pen marks on white clothes.

  13 Agustus 2024 15:00

Pen marks on clothes are often an annoying problem, especially when the stains are on white clothes. The reason is, pen ink tends to quickly absorb into the fabric fibers, causing the stains to look striking, especially on white clothes. Many people are confused when cleaning these stains in the usual way because it often does not produce results, and the stains can even get worse if not handled properly.

However, it should be noted that pen ink is usually made of oil-based or water-based materials that dry quickly. This makes the stain more difficult to clean after some time. If not treated immediately, this stain can become permanent and certainly damage the appearance of clothing. Therefore, it is important to know effective methods for dealing with ink stains on white clothes.

Luckily, an Instagram user @harisusanto4121 once shared a simple trick when trying to remove ink marks on white clothes. Through one of the videos he uploaded, he admitted that he did not use detergent or bleach. However, there are two kitchen ingredients that can be relied on to remove ink marks on white clothes.

As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @harisusanto4121 on Tuesday (13/8), the kitchen ingredients in question are vinegar and dish soap. The mixture of these two ingredients can be very effective in removing ink stains on clothes, especially if they are still new. Indeed, clothes that are stained with ink should be washed immediately so that the stain does not become more absorbed and will be more difficult to remove.

