foto: Instagram/@ruma.haqiqi

Owners of granite floors are well-suited to using this trick to mop the floor.

  13 September 2024 18:01

Mopping the floor is one of the essential household activities to maintain the cleanliness and health of the house. Clean floors not only provide a pleasant aesthetic impression, but also prevent the spread of germs and bacteria. This can certainly affect the health of the occupants of the house.

Despite the importance of this activity, many people are reluctant to mop because it is often considered a troublesome and time-consuming task. One of the reasons is because the process is quite tiring. Starting from preparing water and detergent, rinsing the mop, to scrubbing the entire floor surface, all these stages require a lot of energy and time.

On the other hand, mopping the floor with great effort sometimes does not immediately make the house clean. In some cases, the mopped floor becomes dull, slippery, or even full of water stains, especially if the floor is made of granite. So to overcome this, some people sometimes use special tricks, such as using hot water.

Well, this hot water is usually mixed with floor cleaning soap. When used, this hot water mixture can indeed make the floor more rough. But unfortunately, if you want to use hot water, you need to use a special mop. If you use a manual mop that is wrung out by hand, it is very possible that your skin will get burned. Therefore, many people then use other alternatives in mopping the floor.

Luckily, an Instagram user @ruma.haqiqi once shared the alternative through one of the videos uploaded. She admitted that she did not use hot water or a mixture of other ingredients to mop the floor. However, there is one kitchen ingredient that she relies on to make the granite floor in her house shiny and clear again after mopping.


In addition to using a chamois cloth, dishwashing soap is also very safe for granite floors. Dishwashing soap usually has a relatively neutral pH, making it safe to use on sensitive granite surfaces. Granite floors are natural stones that can be scratched or damaged if exposed to cleaning agents that are too acidic or alkaline. Dishwashing soap is not abrasive, so it does not damage the granite surface.

