YouTube/iqbal EsPe

These moss stains pose a risk to the safety of the home's occupants.

  22 Agustus 2024 18:00 - Nowadays, many floors are covered with ceramics or even granite. However, there are also those who still maintain the floor area of the house using only cement, for example in the bathroom or garage. Well, cement floors that are often wet or damp are at risk of being covered in moss stains.

The moss stains are at risk of endangering the safety of the occupants, especially if there are children. The reason is, moss stains are known to have a slippery surface, so if you are not careful when stepping on it, someone could slip and fall.

Moss stains that are left for a long time will increase in number. Usually, people choose to sprinkle it with cleaning agents, such as special floor cleaners, detergents, and so on before scrubbing it with a brush.

How to get rid of moss stains on cement floors  YouTube

photo: YouTube/iqbal EsPe

In fact, according to netizens on the YouTube account iqbal EsPe, the brush tool is still not effective enough to remove moss stains, especially those that are stubborn like the floor in his house. He admitted that even though he had scrubbed it many times using a brush, the moss stains were still stubborn.

How to get rid of moss stains on cement floors  YouTube

photo: YouTube/iqbal EsPe

So, instead of using a brush, the man on the YouTube account iqbal EsPe chose to clean it with one kitchen tool , namely wire wool. According to him, the rougher surface of the wire wool can effectively remove moss stains on cement floors.

"It's effective to use this, just wipe it and it will disappear immediately, clean," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube iqbal EsPe on Thursday (22/8).

How to get rid of moss stains on cement floors  YouTube

photo: YouTube/iqbal EsPe

The trick is, just wipe the wire wool several times on the mossy cement floor area. No need to wait long, all moss stains will fade. If all moss stains are no longer attached to the floor, just rinse the floor with clean water.

How, is this trick to clean moss stains on cement floors by YouTube user iqbal EsPe very simple? Are you interested in trying it or do you have other tricks that are more effective?
