
It is important to know how to effectively deal with these stains to keep ceramic glasses clean and hygienic.

  16 Oktober 2024 17:00

Colored drinks such as tea and coffee are often a favorite choice to accompany your relaxing or working time. However, the habit of enjoying these drinks is often followed by another problem, namely the emergence of stubborn brown stains on ceramic glasses . Even though they have been washed with soap and water, the brown crust remains and makes the glass look dull and unclean.

Basically, the brown crust that forms on ceramic cups comes from tannin, a natural substance found in tea and coffee. This tannin has the property of sticking strongly to the ceramic surface, making it difficult to remove with just regular washing. In addition to making the cup look dirty, tannin crust can also affect the taste of the next drink if not cleaned properly. Therefore, it is important to know how to effectively deal with these stains so that ceramic cups remain clean and hygienic.

To overcome this problem, the use of natural ingredients such as baking soda, salt, or vinegar can be an effective solution. Baking soda and salt have an abrasive texture that can help remove tannin stains from ceramic surfaces. Meanwhile, vinegar with its acidic properties can dissolve the crust that sticks.

But not only with these ingredients, there are other ingredients that you can rely on to clean the crust stains on ceramic glasses. This ingredient has been used further by the owner of the Instagram account @safaralles. Through one of the videos uploaded, he admitted to using one type of fruit.

As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @safaralles on Wednesday (16/10), the fruit in question is starfruit. This type of fruit has a strong acid content. Well, that acid will help remove crust stains on ceramic glasses.


Keep scrubbing for a few minutes until the crusty stain is completely gone. In the video, Instagram user @safaralles shows the results of glasses that look more shiny after being rubbed using a wuluh starfish. Well, if it's like this, then the glass can be immediately rinsed with running water.

