
Marinating is important when processing goat meat to make it tastier.

  25 Juli 2024 15:00

Goat meat is famous for being prengus, it can be a challenge for many people who want to enjoy it. The distinctive and sharp smell of prengus can reduce appetite and make the culinary experience less enjoyable. Even though goat meat has a delicious taste and is rich in nutrients, this unpleasant smell makes some people reluctant to consume it.

To overcome the smell of prengus in goat meat, there are a number of techniques that can be used. One of the most frequently used techniques is to boil goat meat using spices. This is considered to make the smell of prengus disappear and the texture becomes softer.

However, it turns out there is a more effective trick to remove the smell of goat meat while making the texture soft. This trick was shared by Instagram user @sukmadewiofficial. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted to marinating the goat meat before boiling it. So, this marinating process is important when processing goat meat to make it tastier.

Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @sukmadewiofficial on Thursday (25/7), there are two stages of marination carried out before the goat meat is ready to be boiled. First, the goat meat is marinated with pineapple juice. It's best to use ripe pineapple or one that's not too ripe, OK?


Next, add the chopped goat meat to the bowl. Then pour in the juiced pineapple. Stir and marinate the meat for just 5-10 minutes. Avoid soaking it for too long because the goat meat can fall apart when cooked later. If it has been marinated, rinse the meat and wash thoroughly until the pineapple juice is gone. Apart from making it soft, pineapple can also help eliminate the prengus smell in goat meat, you know. After rinsing, put the goat meat back into the bowl.

