Brilio.net - Most people rely on a blender to puree various cooking spices. How to use a blender is also quite practical, just put the spices in the blender glass. Close tightly then press the on button on the blender. After waiting a while, the cooking spices will become smooth by themselves.
However, when you use a blender , it doesn't always run smoothly, you know. This electronic device can have problems with use. One problem is that the blender glass is difficult to open. Even though you rotate it as hard as you can, the blender glass is still stuck and won't open.
Some people usually immediately soak the blender glass in hot water. After soaking for a while, the rubber in the blender glass expands. So the blender glass can be opened immediately even if you just turn it with your bare hands.
But don't just use hot water, it turns out there are other methods that can be used to deal with a jammed blender cup. A TikTok user @kartikaasepti also experienced the same thing.
"This spice blender hasn't been able to be opened for 3 months. I've tried soaking it in hot water, using soap to make it slippery, until my hands are red, it's still stuck," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @kartikaasepti on Tuesday (11/6).
photo: TikTok/@kartikaasepti
How to fix a jammed blender cup.TikTok account user @kartikaasepti also chose to put the blender glass into the pan. Then he poured water until it submerged the blender glass. So that the blender glass doesn't float, this netizen deliberately relies on one kitchen tool, namely a pestle.
"Its function is as ballast, so it doesn't float later," explained the video owner further.
photo: TikTok/@kartikaasepti
Then turn on the stove and boil the blender glass for a few moments. You don't need to let the cooking water boil, after boiling it for a few minutes, immediately drain the blender glass.
photo: TikTok/@kartikaasepti
While it's still hot, just turn the blender glass with your bare hands. No need to use extra energy, the blender cup can be opened quickly.
"Thank God, finally the blender glass was opened," he said.
photo: TikTok/@kartikaasepti
If you experience a similar incident, there is no need to rush to a service technician. Just do this one method straight away, it's practical, right?
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