foto: YouTube/@Gianola Vlog

If you usually soak it for a long time, it turns out that this method is not appropriate because it can damage the fabric fibers.

  1 Maret 2024 10:00 - Towels that are used for a long time will not look as bright as before. Usually the towels look dull and dirty. Apart from being dull, towels that are often left damp and not hung in the sun until dry can trigger the growth of mold. As a result, towels become a nest for germs and are less comfortable when worn.

If this is the case, then a number of people are looking for ways to restore the appearance of their towels so they are bright and clean again. One of the most common methods is to soak the towels for hours before washing. Generally people will also choose to soak towels in hot water to help remove stains .

However, it turns out that the soaking process for a long time can also damage the fabric fibers. Apart from that, it also makes the fungus on the towels spread even more. So, as a solution, you can apply the towel washing trick as done by YouTube user @Gianola Vlog.

Through one of his uploads, he admitted that he used two additional kitchen ingredients that were easily available at home. Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube @Gianola Vlog on Thursday (29/2), the kitchen ingredients used were salt and vinegar. Apart from that, he also uses additional ingredients in the form of detergent and fabric softener.

Tricks for washing towels to make them smell cleaner, add 2 kitchen ingredients  various sources

Tricks for washing towels to make them smell even cleaner, add 2 kitchen ingredients
YouTube/@Gianola Vlog

First of all, fill the water in the washing machine. After that, add 1 tablespoon of salt, then stir well. If so, immediately put the towel into the washing machine. Make sure the entire surface of the towel is completely submerged. Then let it sit for 15 minutes.

Tricks for washing towels to make them smell cleaner, add 2 kitchen ingredients  various sources

Tricks for washing towels to make them smell even cleaner, add 2 kitchen ingredients
YouTube/@Gianola Vlog

After soaking for 15 minutes, he added 1 sachet of liquid detergent. Then turn the washing machine on and continue washing the towels as usual. Discard the remaining water from washing and replace it with new water to rinse the towels.

Tricks for washing towels to make them smell cleaner, add 2 kitchen ingredients  various sources

Tricks for washing towels to make them smell even cleaner, add 2 kitchen ingredients
YouTube/@Gianola Vlog

"I added 50 ml of vinegar in the second rinse to remove detergent residue on the towel fibers," he said.

Then in the last wash rinse, he added fabric softener and 1 teaspoon of vinegar again, then let it sit for 15 minutes. The addition of vinegar to the final rinse is done to make the towels smell longer lasting.

Tricks for washing towels to make them smell cleaner, add 2 kitchen ingredients  various sources

Tricks for washing towels to make them smell even cleaner, add 2 kitchen ingredients
YouTube/@Gianola Vlog

After rinsing, dry and dry the towel in the sun. Try not to dry it in the sun for too long so that it doesn't damage the fabric fibers and the color of the towel doesn't fade and remains durable. How? Interested in trying this trick for washing towels?

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.